I'll make this feel like home

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I stumble out of my room, not bothering to open my eyes and walk sleepily into the living room. The infrastructure of this tiny apartment is now properly engraved in my mind and I don't need eyes to locate where what is. For example, I know that the kitchen is to my right, so I just need to turn -

"Shiiiiiiiiit!" I cry out in agony as my little toe collides with the corner of the wall. I jump a couple of steps back and lose my footing, falling hard on the marbled floor. Excruciating pain shoots up from my foot to literally everywhere in my body and I lie down and curl up into a ball, covering my toe tightly with my hand to lessen the pain somehow.

"Oh, shit.. Shit, shit shit.." I whimper.

One of the doors opens and reveals a stunned looking Harry. He quickly comes and settles beside me, sheer panic written on his face. "Oh, my God! Savannah, what happened?"

"I'm gonna die." I cry out, a tear falling from my eye. "This is it."

"You're freaking me out. What's going on, are you okay??"

"Oh, crap.. It hurts so much."

"Savannah!" He hysterically shouts. "What is it?!"

I look at him with a tear stained face. "M-my.. toe.. I h-hit m-my toe.." I stutter miserably.

He frowns for a fraction of a second before asking, "You what?"

I take a deep breath and calm myself. "I hit my toe on the wall."

"How??" He frantically asks, eyeing my now swollen red little toe. "Weren't you watching your step?"

"No, I wasn't! I thought I was in my apartment and so I didn't open my eyes as I made my way -" An unnecessary hiccup interrupts me.

Harry looks at me with a sympathetic expression; lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. "Can I have a proper look?"

I nod slowly and pull my hand away to uncover my toe. Harry holds my foot gently and touches his finger on my toe, making me flinch. "You need proper rest, try not to move your foot so much." He says as he examines the injured toe with deep concentration. Then, he looks up at me and asks, "Can you walk? Or do you want me to pick you up?"

My eyes open wide at his offer and I can swear I hear violins somewhere. Did he actually recommend picking me up? Because I could just jump on him right now.

Concentrate, Savannah. Please, act like a normal human being, not a deranged one.

"N-no." I clear my throat and answer more clearly, "No. I can walk."

I start to get up, he drapes my arm across his neck and helps me stand up. We walk over to the nearest couch and I steadily sit down. It's kinda embarrassing to think that I'm making a fuss about such a small injury but this tiny bruise hurts like a freaking biscuit!

"Do you think you've gotten a fracture?" Harry asks me.

I shake my head. "No. That would've been a thousand times worse. I can move my toe a little bit, if there was a fracture then I wouldn't have been able to move it at all."

"Hmm.." He muses and then sits beside me. "Maybe you should take the day off today. I'll tell Kim that you'll resume work from tomorrow."

"Oh, no. There's no need for that. I'll be fine, I don't want to miss the first day of work. Plus," I smile at him, "I really wanna meet her baby."

He chuckles and nods happily. "I'm so excited to see him. She told me that she's naming him Eric."

"That's a nice name. Should we take a gift and flowers?"

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