I'll be your temporary fix

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The noise is deafening as we get out of the car, our hands linked together. I straighten up my dress and stand beside Harry, a frown settled on my face.

My throat is parched and I swallow hard in an attempt to moisten it, but it's of no use. Everything that I had been feeling from the moment Harry told me about the awards till when we were inside in the safety of the car, was nothing compared to what I am going through right now. My heart rate has successfully sky rocketed and my stomach keeps churning and growling.

"Shall we?" Harry asks me, a soft smile on his face.

"Please pick me up if I fall. I swear, I'm not heavy."

He chuckles, rubbing his thumb on my forehead to smooth the worried creases. "Relax."

He needs to stop doing this, it's not good for my heart!

We start moving, making our way past the long walk with screaming fans on each side to the intersecting area. All I can hear are the screams as people shout Harry's name.

I spot Channing Tatum and freeze. It feels like the ground has been knocked off from below my feet and I'm floating in the air.

"Wanna meet him?" Harry asks me after he notices my starstruck expression.

"No, no. I believe drooling and ogling from afar is my thing."

He laughs and forcefully drags me to Channing Tatum. I try to stop him by planting my feet on the ground, but then I realize that I'm wearing heels and if they get stuck on the carpet, well then it'll be carpet talk with my face.

So, I reluctantly go along with my shaking knees and sweaty hands.

Harry taps him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, Sir."

Sir? Really? Oh, my God. What do I call him? I was planning to say Channing. Shit.

"Harry Styles." Channing sir says with a friendly smile on his face.

"My girlfriend would like to meet you, she's a fan."

Okay. Okay. Breathe. Deep breaths. Someone call an ambulance. NOW!

"I love you." I blurt and spontaneously cover my mouth with my hands.

Harry and him both burst out laughing, and Harry remarks, "She said the same thing to me when she met me."

"Well, you better be careful then, Harry." Channing says good naturedly and I nervously giggle.

We talk to him for a couple of minutes and I find myself relaxing. When we're done, Harry gets called out by the paparazzi and fans so he proceeds towards them. I slowly detach my hand, explaining him that he should have his moment and I don't wanna be a hindrance.

There's an awkward air as he leaves to pose and talk to fans, while I casually stand in the middle of nowhere, concentrating on my breathing and making sure not to look at anyone for too long.

"Savannah Smith." An interviewer walks over to me and fear overtakes me.

"The most wanted wardrobe stylist." She says, a wide grin stretched on her face.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that." I clear my throat. "I'm just an intern. There's a long way to go."

"So, you're talented and modest. Nice!"

I feel my face flush and I try my best to not turn into a tomato.

"Recently a very intimate photo of you and Harry was released," she begins to speak and I mentally slap her. "How did you feel about that."

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