Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

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Knock knock.

My eyes flutter open for just a fraction of a second before closing shut again, pulling me into yet another deep sleep.

Knock knock.

This time the knocking is a notch louder, so I open my eyes and look around the room, trying to figure out where exactly I am in this moment.

Knock knock! Followed by a clear, sweet voice, "Harry, Savannah.. Are you both awake?"

Huh.. I think to myself. Who could that be..?

"Can I come in?"

I seriously cannot remember where the hell I am. Whose bed is this anyways? Why am I not in my own apartment? And where the hell did Harry come from?

Then it dawns on me. Oh, shit! I quickly sit up and look around the room in a state of pure panic. There's another knock on the door and then Anne asks, "I have breakfast ready here."

"Just a minute!" I call out. "Harry!" I half-whisper, half-shout to the lifeless giant snoring on the floor. "Harry, get up!"

He doesn't budge, not a single bit. "Harry! Wake up!" I grab a pillow and throw it on him. He wakes up in a startled state and growls angrily at me, "What the hell was that for?!"

"Shush!" I point to the door. "Your mom is outside waiting to come in. Get your butt here on the bed. Right now!"

"Shit." He mutters and quickly gets up, throwing his pillow on the bed which manages to hit me on the face. I furiously put it behind and straighten the blanket. "Quick, quick!" I say.

"Just a minute, Mum!" He shouts, to which Anne says, "Sure, love. Take your time."

I comb my hair with my fingers and apply some lip balm. Harry rubs his eyes and slaps his face a couple of times. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Waking myself up."

"Weirdo. Do we call her in?"

Harry puts his arm around my shoulder and I automatically lean into him, feeling a thousand times uncomfortable than I have ever felt. "Yeah, come in, Mum!"

She opens the door and walks in, pushing a trolley which has breakfast kept on it. "Good morning, love birds."

"Anne.." I say, feeling completely bad and ashamed. "You didn't have to do this.."

"Yeah, Mum.. We were just gonna come out and then have breakfast."

"Oh, tush!" She waves her hand to silence us. "Gemma had to go somewhere urgently so I had breakfast with her. And then I just randomly decided of giving my baby and his baby some breakfast in bed."

My stomach twists into a million knots at how she called me Harry's baby and I'm sure I look like a tomato right now. Harry clears his throat and says, "We'll be right outside."

"Oh, no! Eat in bed and come as you please, love. I'm busy with some chores right now so I won't be good company for the time being."

"Thank you so much for this," I speak up. "It's very sweet of you."

She smiles warmly. "I'm just very happy that you both are here. See you in a bit." After blowing a small kiss our way, she leaves the room. Harry and I keep sitting in our positions for a couple of seconds before he abruptly moves forward and buries his face in his hands.

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