Driving to your house, knocking on your door, kissing you on the mouth

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I need to kill myself.

I need to slap myself till I break my face. Or I'll just hit my head on the wall and keep hitting till my head bursts. Or might as well go drown somewhere.

How could I be so utterly stupid? You'd think a girl like me, who's studying fashion and working for the most desired celebrity, would have some sense. You know, a teeny tiny bit of sense.

But, nooooooo. Turns out, I have zero sense. Nada.

I sign up for the most risky deal of the century by agreeing to be Harry's girlfriend. And then, I make the horrible mistake of being seen "cozying out" with Alex.

Well, that's what the front page news is anyways.

"Alex Blanc, the IT boy around town, and Savannah Smith, the newly interned wardrobe stylist were seen cozying out last night as they walked around the streets. Just some time ago, Savannah was spotted with heartthrob Harry Styles who was 'apparently' dropping her home.
Blanc and Smith seemed "pretty close" with each other as they joked around and had "quite a fun time", according to some eye witnesses."

Where the fudging falafel do these eye witnesses come from? Do they not have any other work to do, like I don't know, poop? You breath the same air as them and they're ready to witness against you.

I groan and throw the news paper away. Why are you so bloody stoooopid??

The knock on the door startles me and causes me to stop cursing myself. I lazily get up to see who it is.

"Who is it?" I ask and look through the peep hole.

Holy mother of surprises!

A voice too known to me answers. "Uh.. It's me, Harry.."

I jump back from the door and look around my apartment. The sight of it makes me wanna jump from the window and die.

In a haste, I move and pick up all the clothes I had thrown on the couch last night and stuff them in the closet. I run into my room and pour some perfume on myself so that I can at least smell nice, even if I look like someone who's been hit by a hurricane.

"Just a second!" I call out as I run back to the small living room and try and organize all the papers and sketches strewn across the table.

"Sure, yeah.. Take your time -"

"No, we need to talk to you urgently so it is crucial that you answer the door right now." Gary cuts Harry mid-sentence and I hear his authoritative voice.

What the actual fudge is he doing here??

I quickly tie my hair in a pony and straighten up my dress. What?? I'm still in my night suit?! Shit, shit, shiiiiit I look like crap.

Should I change? Do I have the time to change? I mean, it'll only take a couple min -

My thoughts are interrupted by the impatient knocking on my door. I'm positive it's Gary who's acting like he's about to piss his pants.

No time to change clothes, I think. Reaching the door, I take a deep breath and calm myself. I can do this.

"Hey!" I give them my sweetest smile as I pull open the door and welcome them in.

"Hi, Savannah." Harry greets and walks past me without saying anything else. Gary, on the other hand, doesn't even bother greeting.

Well, so far so good? At least they haven't started scolding immediately. I turn around and notice Gary has taken his seat on the couch while Harry is standing next to the window, looking outside.

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