For reasons we don't understand

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"She's sleeping." I faintly hear someone mutter angrily.

"I don't care, I'm waking her up."

Huh, I think to myself. That sounds vaguely familiar.

"I am not gonna let you do that."

Is that Harry?

"Like, hell you won't. She's my best friend."


I shoot up like a rocket from my laying position and turn around to see if my wild guess is correct. The velocity with which my body moved causes black spots to appear in front of my eyes, blocking my vision. I grab hold of the sheets momentarily to guard off the dizziness and try to adjust my field of vision. But before I can do that, I feel someone's body collide with mine and hug me tightly.

Her usual flowery smell engulfs me and I instantly hug her back, feeling a thousand times better. Hazel.

"You're here." I cry into her shoulder.

"I came as soon as I saw the news." She whispers softly. "I had to."

A loud sob escapes my throat and I start crying miserably. Tears fall from my eyes like a river and land on her shoulder, soaking it wet. I hadn't realized the gravity of the situation I'm in until this moment, comfortably wrapped in Hazel's embrace.

"Did he hurt you?" She pulls back, holding me from the shoulders. "If he -"

She gasps loudly as she finally sees the awful bruises enveloping my neck. Her eyes pool with tears and she ferociously blinks them away, trying to hold it together for me.

"I swear I will break his teeth and rip his hair out and cut off his balls and sell them to the baseball academy -"

Harry and I both burst out laughing, the room reverberating with the sound of our cackles. He had been standing near the door all this time, quietly watching us, but now he's taken a seat near the edge of the bed as he tries to cease his hysterical fit.

"That was," he says as another wave of laughter hits him, "the best thing I've heard in ages."

Hazel dramatically rolls her eyes at us. "You won't be laughing so much when home run would consist of squishy and not hard balls in your face."

"Eww, Haze!" I gag in disgust and push her. "Get outta here!".

Harry, on the contrary, seems to be enjoying this quite a lot. He's lying on the bed now, curled up like a ball with his hands clutching his stomach tightly and eyes squeezed shut. Loud booms of raspy laughter escape his mouth. A pleasing sensation washes over me as I watch him laugh so openly, the first one in ages. I had forgotten how melodic it sounded like, how astonishingly beautiful he is.

"Stop drooling." Hazel whispers.

I roll my eyes at her, feeling my face flush just the slightest bit.

"Um, Haze?"


"Would you mind giving me a minute alone with Harry?" I hesitantly ask her.

She narrows her eyes at me and then gets off from the bed, grumbling God knows what in annoyance.

"Fine. Ignore your best friend who drove all the way to see you just to have a good morning smooch with your boyfriend."

I bite my lip to stop myself from giggling. "Haze, come on."

Harry smirks at her, his expression victorious. "Who's the better half  now, huh?"

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