Just me, her and the moon

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Pizza? Check.
Chocolate fudge cake? Check.
Bananas? Check.
Candlelight dinner? Check.
Two sleeping bags? Che-

Wait, what?

I scan the contents of the duffel bag again, hoping to find the other sleeping bag roll but it's nowhere to be seen. "Dammit," I mutter, "Can't believe I forgot to bring the other one.. Now we're gonna have to make do with a single sleeping bag."

I rub my hands and blow some air into them, driving off the cold temporarily. It's a good thing I decided to keep a blanket, because the temperature seems to be dropping slightly and I'm sure it's gonna get colder as the night progresses. I came across this place yesterday; it's basically a small clearing in the middle of a meadow. Trees surround the area and there are different species of flowers growing all around. This place is like a scene from a fairytale movie and I'm positive Savannah's gonna love it.

My lips curve up in a small smile as I think of the night ahead. We will finally spend some quality time again without anyone interfering or disturbing us. This night is the sole reason I worked so hard the whole month so that I wouldn't have any work load and it'll be just Savannah and I.

Just us... I muse dreamily, smiling to myself. Then, I blink a couple of times and shake my head, fixing my goofy smile. Idiot.

The sound of muffled footsteps diverts my attention and I turn around to see Chad and Savannah coming. She's already in her pyjamas, exactly what I had thought. The moment our eyes meet, she narrows her eyes and furiously marches to me. "You idiot." She snarls. "You are such an idiot!"

I stand still in a state of fright as she comes and smacks me on the chest. "Sneaking me out in a duffel bag was the only option left?! Are you insane?!"

"Babe," I try to calm her down, "you made it out in one piece, didn't you?"

"Oh, I'm so grateful for that." She rolls her eyes and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. "I was about to suffocate and Chad's spine was almost at its breaking point -"

"I'm totally fine." Chad says, winking at me. I salute him and say, "Thanks a lot, man. See you tomorrow morning."

"Have fun you two!" He shouts while walking away.

I smile naughtily at a very angry looking Savannah. "Hi." I whisper.

"Bye." She turns around and is about to go away but I grab her hand and pull her back, bringing her as close to me as possible. "Oh, you ain't going so easily," I smirk. "Specially not before experiencing this night with me."

"You're acting like one of those bad boys who go for the innocent girl."

I scoff at her. "Did you just refer to yourself as innocent?"

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes but the corners of her lips curve up in a smile. I take that as my green signal and kiss her softly on the corner of her mouth, lingering there.

"I've been waiting for this moment since a long time.." I say in a hushed tone. "This is gonna be one of the best nights you've ever had."

Her breathing slows and her hand rests lightly on my cheek as she says, "Just don't put me in a duffel bag again, okay?"

I smirk against her lips. "Okay."

She wraps her arms around me neck. "So, what have you got planned for out little rendezvous, Mr. Styles?" She asks in an extremely flirtatious tone and I feel a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach.

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