When I first saw you from across the room, I could tell that you were curious

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I would love it if you all comment. Literally anything at all, you liked it or didn't like it, your reactions to the scenes, anything at all. I love it when people comment because I like interacting with my readers. So, yeah. Enjoy!
- H <3


I stare in shock at the magazine lying in front of me on the table, its front page highlighting a photo of Harry and I from our time in the ice skating arena yesterday; I'm wearing his coat and our hands our clasped tightly together while we laugh.

"Morning.." Harry mumbles in a rough voice as he lazily walks into the kitchen. Pouring himself a cup of tea, he takes a seat on the chair and lays his head on the table.

I pick up the magazine and angrily slam it on the table, making him jerk back. "What the hell?" He asks.

"What is this?" I furiously inquire, pointing to the gigantic picture of us. "You said people don't come to the arena after closing time."

He looks closely at it, his eyes narrowing into slits as he tries to adjust his vision. "That's us."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"How the hell did they get this?"

I throw up my hands in the air. "That is what I'm asking you! Did you tell someone? You said that this date had nothing to do with publicity and yet there are photos of us."

"Whoa!" He raises up his hands in surrender. "I have absolutely nothing to do with this. I didn't tell anyone, I swear."

"Then, how...?" I wonder, grabbing the magazine and opening the page with the article. I read it out loud, "Looks like our favourite sweethearts are having the time of their lives. Harry Styles and Savannah Smith had quite a lot of fun last night in the ice skating arena after closing time, when there was no one to disturb them. But, you know what they say, even the walls have eyes and ears. The couple was spotted leaving a Thai cuisine restaurant, after which they headed to the rink and had quite the well deserved free time from their hectic schedules. They have been going strong since five months now and it's clear that they're happy AF together."

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