You want what you want and you say what you say

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There's nothing better than having a banana in the morning.

It's a wonder really, how fulfilling a fruit can be. All you gotta do is have a banana and your tummy is satisfied. Instant energy in it's purest form.

I should've kept more of them. Pfft.

"You all set for today?"

I tear my gaze from the traffic outside and look at Gary beside me. We're headed over to the studio for the production of the new film I'm starring in, "The Wannabes". Though I doubt we'll start the shooting today, we're probably gonna spend the whole day with introductions and getting to know the crew and touring the filming set.

"Yep." I tell him and he nods, not saying anything further. He's probably sensed that I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I slept late last night because I was watching Friends for probably the hundredth time. Gary had warned me that it'll be a hectic day today and that I should get a proper sleep if I wanna survive the day. But the idiot I am, I ignored his advice and ended up staying late.

The result? I feel grumpy and sleepy.

To be quite honest, I love the script. It's about this secret school in which you're taught to become someone else and fake your identity. Three students are in the spotlight and they're the ones who'll be filmed the most.

My character is an 18 year old guy called Luke Jason. He is pretending to be a flirt; a playboy; a womanizer. When in fact, he is totally opposite of who he portrays.

I was a bit hesitant at first when I read the script. I didn't know how I would be able to handle the role and play Luke. But Gary's thought process accelerated and he found this film as the perfect opportunity to maybe enhance the public's perception regarding me. Plus, the Director for this movie is Kim Roberts and she is quite a popular face in the industry. Every actor wants to work with her. So eventually, I gave in and signed up for the film.

The only problem I have is with the cast. I'm not quite familiar with the female lead, Samantha Gomez aka Sam. I only met her once in last year's Teen Choice Awards. She seemed like a nice person with an easygoing personality. But I won't go along with that so easily. Almost everyone here has to fake their mood and persona at times. You never know if the person actually is who they seem to be or if it's just a cover they're using to hide their true self. It'd be a good chance to get to know her, I just hope she is who she seemed to be when I met her.

The other male lead, Alex Blanc, is a bastard. I've known him since quite some time and from what I've gathered, he's an arrogant son of a bitch. He only cares about himself and his reputation. Sure, being a part of this industry, I know how important one's reputation is and how crucial it is to be on the good side. But him, there's just something about him that sets me off.

Plus, he also got in a relationship with Natalia the moment she broke up with me. I know, without a doubt, that the whole thing was a set up and they had planned everything. Not that their relationship lasted long; it was obvious they both were using each other for fame. It's not like I care, but it's just that I thought Natalia was serious with me. And the break up wasn't a fucking rainbow in my life.

"We're here." Gary's voice breaks my train of thoughts and we get out of the car. I didn't even realize when we had enter the main gate of the Stars Shine Productions Studio and stopped in front of the door to the entrance.

Keep your head in the game, Harry.

The security guards nod at us and we enter the gate. The warm atmosphere of the studio greets us and the bustling energy of the people inside makes me feel a bit of an adrenaline rush. This is the biggest studio I've seen so far. It's spacious and the ceilings stretch so high, you'd think they're touching the sky.

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