Little black dress, what's your favourite song?

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I blindly search for my phone on the side table as it rings. My hand hits the vintage alarm clock my mom gave me and it falls to the ground with a thud sound, making me jump out of bed in a split second.

I quickly pick it up to assess if any damage has been done, but thankfully, it's still fine and working. This circular clock with a tripod stand below and a bell on top is one of my most precious possessions, and I had to argue with Mum for three days straight for her to let me have it.

Imagine if I had broken it right now, next thing to break would've been my face by the hands of Mum.

I carefully place it back on the table and pick up the phone to see who's been calling like a retard at six in the morning.


I groan loudly as I press the phone to my ear. "What is it?"

"Why are you always grumpy in the morning?"

"Everyone is grumpy in the morning." I defend myself defiantly. "You're the only one who's a pocket full of sunshine."

"Well, anyways. I have something to talk to you about."

"Yeah, no shit." I snort.

He ignores my mockery and continues to speak. "The reason I woke you up early is because I want you to book tickets for a concert being held today at Red Rocks Amphitheatre."

I slowly crawl into bed and yawn loudly. "Why should I do that?"

"You and Savannah are going to that concert."

"Mm-hmm.." I mumble as my eyes start to close, and another yawn escapes my mouth.

"Book the tickets right now before they all sell out."

"Sure.." I feel my eyelids getting heavier by the second.

Gary clears his throat and then without warning, growls in my ear. "Harry!"

My eyes flow open and I feel a sharp pain on the right side of my head.

"What the hell, Gary? Are you insane? You almost blew my ear off!"

"Well, pay attention to what I'm saying and I'll care more about your ears the next time, alright?"

"Weirdo." I mumble.

"Book the tickets. Now."

"I am booking! Jeez!" I express my annoyance as I open the website and go through the procedure.

"Who's performing, though?" I ask as I stifle a yawn.

"Ed Sheeran."

My fingers freeze in their positions as I abruptly cease the booking momentarily.

"You have got to be joking."

"Why?" He sounds surprised as he questions me. "I thought you liked Ed Sheeran."

"Yes! But you know that! No one else knows!"

"I don't get it.. What's the big deal?"

"Gary!" I frantically flail my hands in the air. "Ed Sheeran writes lovey dovey songs which usually attract girls and I really like listening to them but you can't honestly expect me to go to an Ed Sheeran concert with someone whom I'm faking a relationship with!"

I inhale deeply and then exhale as I present my argument to him. It may sound ridiculous and stupid, but I do not wanna waste my first ever Ed Sheeran concert experience with someone whom I'm not in love with.

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