I know that your heart isn't in it or with it

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What's worse than feeling like shit?

Seeing Harry sulking in a corner. That's way more worse than your entire being feeling like a trash can.

Ever since he asked me to be his girlfriend -

Brain: Fake girlfriend, if I may.

Heart: No, you may not. Shut up.

Anyways, ever since that day, which was three days ago, he's been awfully quiet and aloof. He greets everyone in a monotonous tone and every time he looks at me, I get the feeling he just wants to disappear.

Right the next day after work, Gary had a proper discussion with the two of us regarding how we're supposed to act and react to everything that'll happen during our relationship. He told us that we always have to look out for attention and every time we see a camera, we have to make sure that we're caught doing something intimate. To be quite honest, just the idea of getting close to Harry and him touching me is enough to make me explode like a bomb. I don't know what's gonna happen when he actually does that. I just hope I don't faint.

Gary also told us that first we're gonna have to casually hang out so that the rumours of us dating would get more fuel. The strategy is that we're gonna deny at first, and then reveal our relationship when the world is certain that there is indeed something going on. You know, the usual celebrity thing.

Brain: You are not a celebrity, Savannah. You'll be fake dating a celebrity which will lead to you being famous.

Heart: Someone give me a rock. I'm gonna smash some brains today.

My plan was that Harry and I would start hanging out right the next day, but that hasn't been possible since all he does is stay invisible.

I tried talking to Harry; when I was picking out clothes for him or when he was waiting for Lou to come and fix his hair or when he was revising his script. I even excused him from Kim once by pretending that he had to try a coat on urgently. But all my attempts were useless because he somehow managed to find a way to NOT talk. I know he's avoiding me but I don't get why. It's not like we slept together.

Oh, sweet mother of chocolate cakes when will that day come?

I roll my eyes at myself for thinking such things when the love of my life is not even talking to me. So much for agreeing to be his girlfriend.

Brain: Fake girlfriend.

Heart: Oh, would you shut up already?!


My heart automatically flutters at the rugged tone of the person who called out my name. I turn my head and see Alex walking towards me. My lips curve up in a smile as I lean against the wall and wait for him to walk up to me.

"Hey, Alex. How are you?" I try to ask in my most composed voice. To be quite honest, I still haven't gotten used to being around Sam and Alex. I think it's because I haven't spent time with them. With Harry, I'm always beside him and we're on a really frank and friendly level now. But these two still manage to make me starstruck. Harry, on the other hand, makes me lovestruck.

"Good, good. How have you been?"

"Ugh!" I dramatically flail my arms in the air. "Tired and exhausted. I have to always pick out the perfect wardrobe because the team is inspecting me and that gets really hectic."

"Yeah, yeah I heard.. You're doing absolutely great, by the way."

"Not really, I could do better."

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