I won't act my age

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"Guess what?"

I stare at my phone's screen as it vibrates for the second time, indicating the arrival of another test message.

It's from Harry. Again.

"Guess whaaaaat?"

"What?" I type and send it as a slight smile creeps up on my face.

This is new to me. We did exchange our contact numbers a long time ago but haven't texted as yet. If either of us has to talk or something, we just instantly call and that lasts for around a minute maximum. It's usually always related to work.

I place my phone on the lunch table and move towards the sink to wash the dishes. I haven't washed them since two days now. It's surprisingly really reckless of me to procrastinate washing dishes because I've always washed them as soon as I was done eating.

Back when I lived with my parents, I was the one who usually washed them and back at the apartment, Hazel and I took turns. It's one of the chores that I don't mind, because I just stand there and sing to myself and shake a little bit and just like that the whole thing is easily done.

So now with quite some dishes piled up, I'm a teeny tiny bit concerned about my carelessness. Oh, well. Let's concentrate on the message. Which reminds me, he hasn't replied.

I dry my hands and pick up the phone to check if there's any notification. Nope, none.

This is what frustrates me. I mean, Harry Styles is texting me and he's got me all excited with what he has to tell, and now he's not replying.

Pulling the chair, I sit on it and start tapping my fingers impatiently on the table. Text already, Harry.

After waiting for another excruciating minute, I decide to text him.

But, wait. Wouldn't that look desperate? I mean, I did reply. Technically, it's his turn to message.

Oh, screw it. I'm texting.


If he still doesn't reply, then the award for the world's most desperate person would go to me.

Bzz bzz.

The phone vibrates and I snatch it from the table. It's Harry. Eeeep!

"Finally! I thought you were never gonna do that."

Huh? What does he mean by that? Do what? Message him twice?

"Do what?" I send him.

His reply comes almost instantly.

"I asked you 'guess what?' but you didn't reply. So then I said 'guess whaaaaat?' and you finally did reply. But you asked 'what?'. And so I was waiting for you to go 'whaaaat?'. Get it?"

My brain feels like it's been slowly pierced with fudge. Who knew celebrities could be dorks, eh? Ding, ding, ding!

"Hahahahahaha! You're so crazy!"

I almost hit send but then I realize this message has a lot of "haha's" in it. I should minimize it to three "haha's"

"Hahaha! You're so crazy!"

Hmm.. This still sounds weird. I purse my lips and lightly bang my forehead on the table at how utterly stupid I'm acting.

Shaking my head, I erase the message. Instead, I type and send, "LOL! What did you wanna tell me?"

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