They don't know about us

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Kim is gonna kill me today.

She strictly told me not to be late and I am positive that I won't be able to reach on time.

Last night turned out to be quite disturbing and restless for me. I couldn't stop thinking about how uncomfortable I felt with Harry, considering that just some days ago we were hanging out and enjoying each other's company.

So the entire night was spent tossing and turning and trying out every different position and angle to try and get some sleep. Epic fail.

Now I have puffy eyes with visible dark circles underneath and a yawn escapes my mouth every ten seconds.

Grabbing my bag, I throw in my phone, copy of the script and all the important things that I can think of.

At exactly the moment I pack my bag and keep it near the door, my phone starts ringing.

I groan and unzip my bag, rummaging through the contents to find that blasted piece of technology. My eyes catch sight of the flashing screen and I quickly answer it without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask, a bit out of breath.

"Hey." Harry answers in an extremely husky voice. "Why are you panting?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just trying to increase my pace of getting ready because I'm behind schedule and Kim will give me a hard time if I reach late."

I put the phone on speaker and run to my room to check myself in the mirror. My eyes open wide and I let out a small gasp as I observe myself. Saying that I look like the Wicked Witch of the West might just be the understatement of the century.

"Yeah.." He seemingly yawns. "I'm a bit late too.

"I could guess that from your voice.."

I manage to talk to him while applying ton loads of foundation on my face, after which I apply a tinge of blush on and eye liner. My Mom would be so proud of me if she saw me applying make up, since I barely use any.

"Well," he clears his throat and continues to speak. "I called you to tell you that I'm parked outside your apartment."

My make over halts as I scurry across the room to look outside the window at the main road. Sure enough, Harry's black Land Rover is parked just right outside the gate.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him.

"Selling bananas."

I take a deep breath and bite my tongue from blurting out curses at him.

"Ha ha, was I supposed to laugh at that?" I reply drily.

"Not really, that was technically a stupid answer to your stupid question."

Oh, that jackass. I could pull his hair out, that idiot.

When I don't come up with anything to say, he finally answers my stupid question like a decent human being. "I'm here to pick you up."

"But I didn't ask you to."

"I know. But we have to go together."

"Coming." I roll my eyes and angrily throw the phone in my bag.

Before heading out the door, I put on my shades and plaster a smile on my face. As I exit, I notice Harry get out of his car and walk towards me. He's wearing a crisp white shirt with the top two buttons undone. His hair is styled sideways, making his curls completely conspicuous.

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