Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?

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Dedicated to the real life Savannah, my best friend, Saba_saeed22 I love you a lot, idiot. Thanks for always being there, the pain in the butt that you are.


I lazily walk out of my room and go straight to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. My body literally cannot function unless I have caffeine pumping in my veins.


I jump a mile back in fright as Hazel greets me. She's lying on the couch and is so well hidden behind it that I didn't even notice her presence at all. "Christ.. You scared the hell out of me." I say.

"Sorry," she says, a wicked grin spreading on her face. "Did you have a good sleep last night?"

"You're very cruel, you know. First scaring us with your stupid little prank and then asking if I had a good night."

"Well.. I was referring more to the part when you and Harry slept together and did stuff..?

I choke on my tea and cough wildly. My throat burns and it feels like someone put it on fire. "You idiot. Why do you always have to talk about this matter?"

"Because, I am your best friend and we promised that we'll be very open with each other when it comes to sharing details about our love lives."

I roll my eyes, cleaning my face and neck with a napkin. Harry comes out of the room and greets us both, after which he pours a mug of tea for himself. "When do you want me to call the mechanic, Hazel?"

"As soon as you can, please. I want to get back because I have tons of work to do."

"Alright. Let me finish my tea, I'll call him immediately after."

"I hate the fact that you're leaving so soon." I mumble sadly.

She smiles sweetly and says, "I wish I could stay. But, I really have to go."

"I know, I know." I sigh and hug her, missing her already. "So, who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?"

"Oye!" She pulls back and frowns. "We never say goodbye. They're too final and absolute."

I smile softly at her. "Right, sorry. I'll see you again, soon."

"That's better."

"Jeez, you both are more of a couple than me and Savannah." Harry retorts.

Hazel sticks her tongue out at him and gets up to go to the toilet while Harry and I silently sip our tea. The phone rings but immediately goes to voicemail. Hmm, I wonder who it is.

"Hi, you both. Gary here."

Oh, shit.

"I know that you two are probably sleeping considering how hectic these past few days have been with the filming, so I didn't wanna call on your cellphones and wake you up."

"Aww.." Hazel coos. "That's really sweet of him."

Harry and I exchange a terrified glance, both of us thinking the same thing that what if he says something about the deal. I just hope that Hazel goes to her room before he says anything stupid.

"I have to talk to you both about the deal." Gary continues to speak. "You guys need to be seen, now more than ever."

Hazel stops midway and turns her head slightly to listen to what he's saying. Harry and I both stand up and nervously look at each other, unable to decide what to do.

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