This is not an illusion

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*Photo of Harry in his attire for the first scene.*


"Where is my bag? Has anyone seen my bag?"

"What is wrong with you?! Position the light medially, not laterally!"

"For the love of God, would someone tell me if they've seen my bag!"

"Can someone please tell me where Sam is? I need to get her hair done."

"Don't fucking mess around with those things!"

The whole studio is buzzing with noise. Every single person is busy trying to complete their task and get everything in a line.

Except for me. Currently, I am standing right in the midst of this commotion, clutching the straps of my bag pack tightly. My legs have made up their mind to remain frozen in their track because quite frankly, there isn't any space to move.

The purple cardigan I'm wearing feels like a freaking oven. If I had any idea it'd be this crowded in here, I would've worn coconuts and leaves.

Aww man, I miss Hazel. Every time there's an occasion and I ask her what she's planning to wear, her cheeky ass always replies with "coconuts".


It takes me a moment to register that someone called me by my last name, so I turn around and discover that the owner of the voice is Kim.

"Ma'am -" I begin but she cuts me off.

"What're you doing standing here like a statue?"

I gulp as I realize that as sweet as Kim can be, she can also be one stern and strict person. "Uh.. I was.. I don't know.."

"Look, I know you're new in this business and you must be going through all sorts of emotions. But you gotta be alert and know what you want, alright?"

"Yes, Ma'am." I nod promptly.

"Good. Now head over to Harry's room that way," she points to a corridor that has the sign Actors stuck up on its wall.

I smile at her and without another word, head over in that direction. Not gonna lie, it's a true struggle making my way through. I get pushed around a bit and someone steps on my foot a couple of times. When I finally reach that corridor, I lean against the wall and inhale deeply, filling my cheeks with air.

Holy mother of busy bees, save me.

"It's like a fish market, huh?"

I turn my head and all the accumulated air in my mouth comes out with a puff.

Alex Blanc is standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. His biceps are bulging out of the sleeves of his grey T-shirt and his hair is messed up and sticking out in every direction.

Hot. That is the only word lighting up like a light bulb in my brain and I'm sure my cheeks have turned red. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

"Yeah-" I stop midsentence as I realize my voice is too squeaky. Clearing my throat, I start again. "Yes. It's too crammed up."

He chuckles and I have to remind myself to breathe. "It's alright, first couple of weeks are the worst. It gets better as everyone adapts."

"So I have to try and not suffocate for at least two weeks."

He gives me a crooked smile *he needs to stop smiling because I don't feel so good any more!* and extends his hand. "I'm Alex."

"Savannah." I shake his hand and make an attempt to give a confident and cute smile, though I'm sure I look like a chipmunk right now.

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