Actions speak louder than words

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*the gif wasn't exactly necessary but come on the edit is brilliant xD so, yeah, just wanted to put it on for a little scene that'll appear in this chapter. God bless people who make such edits.*


I'm met with Gary as I enter the studio, who's dressed immaculately in dress pants and coat with a tie.

"Getting married or something?" I ask him.

"Hello to you, too."

I smile and say, "Hey, Gary. How are you this lovely morning?"

He loosens his tie a bit and I notice him rolling his eyes. "I'm fine, kiddo. I'm guessing you're doing great?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm grand."

"Good to know at least one of us is happy."

I frown. "What do you mean?"

He passes his hand through his hair and sighs. "I have a meeting with Timothy Green."

"Who's that?"

He rolls his eyes, again. "He's the Founder of Stars Shine Productions. Did you seriously not know this?"

"I did heard his name once but I can't recall."

"Well, anyways," he says as he once again passes his hand through his hair. "He's the one who hired Savannah. I have a meeting with him to discuss the possible effects this relationship might have on her internship."

A strange, uncomfortable feeling grows in the pit of my stomach as I absorb what Gary means.

"Gary.. What's going on?"

"Timothy is concerned that Savannah might compromise her duties as a wardrobe stylist if she's involved with you."

"But it's just business!" I hurriedly look around to check if anyone heard my sudden outburst. Then I move closer to Gary and whisper to him. "This is a deal we both signed, there are no strings attached."

"We know that." He calmly says. "But the world doesn't. After the brilliant hang out you both pulled that day, everyone has started to believe there might be something going on between the two of you."

He takes a look around and then pulls me into a corner. "You both did a marvelous job. People are talking and the internet is flooding with photos of you two enjoying each other's company."

I bite my lower lip to stop the smile that is threatening to spread on my face. I don't know about her, but I enjoyed her company a lot. It's kinda sad thinking she was acting.

I blink a couple of times and clear my throat. "So, what now?"

Gary takes in a deep breath and forcefully expels the air through his mouth. "He may put forward the condition of her choosing either the relationship with you or her internship."

"What?!" I blurt and Gary glares at me.

I clench my jaw and calm myself. "Break the deal. Call off the relationship. I will not jeopardize her internship for my benefit."

"No, no, no. We won't do that."

I shake my head furiously at him. "Yes, we will. If her only chance of making a career as a stylist is being put at risk because of me then screw this fucking deal."

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