That's between me and you, our little secret

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As much as I want to avoid my constantly ringing phone, as much as I want to throw it away in the ocean so that I never have to answer it again, I know that this time I have no excuse.

"Hey!" I try to sound energetic and excited as I answer my best friend's billionth call.

"Oh, so you finally decided to answer my call?" She accuses in a completely angry tone. "How considerate of you!"

"I was busy -"

"Oh, please." She snorts. "Keep your lame ass excuses to yourself."

"Haze, come on! I have seriously been so busy that -"

"Busy with what? Dating Harry?"

I close my eyes, accepting the fact that I'm gonna have to admit the truth. Part of it, at least.

"I wanted to tell you. I really did."

"But, you were busy." She says softly, her voice imitating her feelings. Hurt.

My eyes sting as tears pool into them, and I silently let one drop fall.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry for hurting you."

"What's going on, Savannah?" She asks me, her voice barely a whisper. "I understand that you're working with celebrities and you're friends with them now, but are you okay?"

I cover the mic of the phone, and take a ragged breath as more tears fall down my cheeks. It feels like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, and no matter how hard I try, I can't stop myself from falling.


I realize that I've been quiet for a moment too long, so I breathe deeply to calm myself and then speak.

"Yeah, sorry." I clear my throat. "I got lost in thought."

"What're you thinking about?" She asks me, and I can imagine the smile spreading on her face.

"I don't know.." I lie back on the bed, making myself comfortable in the sheets. "I feel like I've lost my direction."

"Why would you feel like that?"

"I wish I knew."

"Alright. Time for a Hazel doze."

I smile as I hear some shuffling on her side.

"How many times have you felt like you were about to give up but always managed to stand tall in the end?"

"Countless times." I roll my eyes.

"You wanna know why that happens every time?"

"Enlighten me, oh Master."

"Because your compass lies within you. It may deflect some times, it may get stuck on one point, it may not always point North. But it will never break."

My lips turn upward as a small smile etches on my face. Her words wash over me like waves wash over the shore; taking away those particles of sand that have lost their gripping, leaving those that are still holding on.

"You may feel like you have no direction, but that feeling of being lost is just temporary. Because your compass will always work, as long as you want it to. It'll always point in one direction."

I needed this. I needed to hear this coming from her. She has already managed to make me feel better, imagine if I had the brains to talk to her before, how great would that have been.

"Have I told you that I love you?"

"Hmm.." She pretends to ponder. "You did say it once upon a time."

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