Chapter 1

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*Rosie Lawley P.O.V.*

        Tomorrow me and my sister have to go on tour with my brother. I don't want to leave my friends here. Kian said we would be gone for a while. Grace is now walking down the stairs. "Mom!" She yells. "Yes?!" She screamed back from the kitchen. "I don't want to go on tour!" "Too bad! Neither does your sister! It will be fun though!" "But I have to leave all my friends...and my boyfriend." She said that part quieter. I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. 

         "Hey mom." She looked at me and smiled then went back to cooking. "When is Kian coming to get us?" "Actually, after dinner he is coming. You are going to spend the night at his and and his friends house." "Ew really?!" I stormed out and went to my room. I looked at my 5SOS poster and smiled. I have only met Kian's friends once, and they are pretty cute. Grace walked in and plopped onto the bed. "Mom said that we are going to spend the night at Kian's." I said. She groaned and sat up. "I have literally only talked to two of them." "Which ones?" "JC and Connor." "Oh. I love Connor, i text him sometimes." "Yeah, he's cool." "American Horror Story?" "Um, not now." "Too late." I turned it on and grace covered her eyes. 

       Mom walked in and I paused the show. "Yes?" Grace said annoyed. "Change of plans. You're actually gonna go to Kian's for dinner." Grace groaned and walked out. "He will be here soon. get ready." She left and i got my luggage and brought it downstairs. Grace was already down there with her's. She was on her phone texting.

     Kian pulled in the driveway. Him and someone else walked out of the car. I think it was Sam. They walked up to the door and i ran to Kian and hugged him. Even though Grace was mad she gave him a hug too. I know she missed him. Mom came out and she was starting to cry. "Bye mom, Ill miss you. I love you." She gave me a big hug. "I love you too, bye!" Then Grace walked up to her and gave her a hug. We grabbed our luggage, but Sam picked mine up and smiled at me. I started to blush. Kian gave me a look but then walked Grace to the car. We got in the backseat and Grace plugged in her headphones. "Change the radio dork!" I yelled to Kian who was listening to country. "Why, this is good shit!" "Its making my ears bleed." We had a argument for a while longer but then just chilled and talked.

*Grace Lawley POV*

     I don't want to leave for this tour! I don't want to leave behind all my friends. My boyfriend, John, and i broke up. But i did miss my brother and this will be some good catching up time. I took out my earbuds because rosie and Kian were laughing. "Looks like Grace decided to join us." Kian said. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. "Oh and by the way, Jack and Jack are at my house too. They are staying then night too." "Jack and Jack?" I asked. "The rapper and singer. The duet. I listen to them all the time. There hot, like super hot. But I already called Johnson so, too late." Rosie said in a 'duh' tone. "Um, Rose? Do except you are going to date Jack J? Cause I don't." "Oh, um, no. Of course not Kian." "Thats what I thought."

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