Chapter 47

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*Rosie POV*

"Bella! Grace! We have a show!" I yelled, then realized Grace wasn't even in here. "Bella! Hurry!" "I'm shut the fuck up!" She yelled and put pillows over her ears. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Right when I was about to get in the shower someone knocked. "Bella! Can you get that?" I yelled. She didn't answer, so I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I saw Bella, she was sleeping. I threw a pillow at her and opened the door. It was Dylan and Zach. "Is this not a good time?" Zach asked and just walked in, so did Dylan. They sat on Bella's bed and turned the TV on. "Just come right in." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen Grace?" I asked. "Daniel and her are at breakfast. I think." Dylan answered. I nodded and went into the shower. I started singing and then the door opened. I screamed and Dylan just stood there, like a deer looking at highlights. I grabbed my towel and put it around me. "Dylan! Get out!" I yelled, wondering why Zach or Bella aren't hearing this. Dylan started smirking and I rolled my eyes. "Leave. Dylan. Now." I said walking over to him. I pointed to the door and he smiled at me. "Kiss me." He said, I pointed to the door again. He then kissed me and left.

*Grace POV*

"Daniel, shouldn't we get back? We have a show." I said as we were walking around. "We still have time." "I know. I just need timing to be perfect." "Its ok." He kissed my forehead. "Daniel. Can we just head back?" He nodded and called a cab. We told him our hotel and it was only five minutes from where we were. Daniel payed him and we went inside to the lobby. Cameron, Aaron and Jacob were in the lobby, standing in a circle. "Guys!" Daniel said and ran to them. I kept walking and decided to go to my room. I opened it and Bella was sleeping while Zach and Dylan were watching TV on her bed. "Um, where's my sister?" I asked looking at the boys. "In the shower." Dylan said laughing.

"Can you guys wake her up?" I asked getting out my clothes. "Sure." Zach yelled. He got on the bed and started jumping on her while hitting her with a pillow. Dylan and I started laughing. "I'm ready!" Rosie yelled as she opened the bathroom doors. "Oh my god! Let me fucking sleep!" Bella yelled and stood up. "Someone's on their period." Zach said in his weird voice. She pushed him off the bed and went into the bathroom. "Ow!" He said and sat back on the bed. "I have to get dressed. That means you two leave." I said and pointed to the door. "Rosie. Come with us." Dylan said. "No, I have to go to Hunter and Brando's room." She said, and Dylan slammed the door. "You probably shouldn't have said that." I said. "I don't care." Then she left.

I put on jeans, a white sweater, and white converse. Bella walked out of the bathroom and handed me a brush. "Can you brush it?" She asked and I nodded. She was wearing a pink sweater with a peace sign on it, shorts and grey converse with white stars on them. After I brushed her hair she put a beanie on and we went down to the lobby.


All the girls were screaming the boys names. Rosie, Bella and I were sitting in the back. They pulled us out when it was time for questions. "First question! You!" Aaron said and pointed to the girl in the front. "Why does she have a ring on her finger?" She asked, pointing to me. "Oh I can answer this." Cam said. "Because, Danny boy is whipped." They all laughed. Daniel walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Next. You." Daniel said. "Okay so Rosie and Dylan were my otp. Is it still a thing?" She asked. "Why are these all dating questions?" Jacob laughed. "Its only been two, relax." Cam said. "Its compli-" Rosie was about to finish but Dylan covered her mouth. "We are not together anymore." He said.

It went silent. "Awkward!" Hunter yelled, the girls then started screaming. "Okay. You in the pink shirt. Back there." Brandon said. "Are anyone of you guys dating anyone?" "Again! With the dating questions!" Jacob said, everyone laughed. I don't know how it was actually that funny. "Okay, lets go in a line and say yes or no." Someone said, we nodded and stood in a long line across the stage. "No." Jacob said the passed the microphone. "Yes." Cameron said, everyone booed. "Wait! What! You didn't tell me this!" Rosie yelled, she was standing next to him and I was next to her. He smiled and looked down. "Give me details later." She whispered and he nodded. "No." Rosie said. "Yes." I said. "Nope." Bella said. Everyone said no, except for me, Daniel, and Cameron.

*Rosie POV*


"Do you mind getting a cab with me?" Dylan asked me. "Sure, I guess." "We are going to catch a cab!" Dylan yelled to the others as they got in the vans. "Whats up?" I asked. "Do you still love me?" "Dylan. I really, really like you." "I miss not being yours and you being mine. And I really, really, really miss loving you." "What are you saying? Cause I miss loving you too." "Wanna get back together?" I nodded really fast. He smiled and picked me up. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I missed this.

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