Chapter 32

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*Rosie POV*

         We got to the hotel and were able to pick our own rooms. Me and Grace decided to be with each other, plus Connor. "We are gonna watch some of the best cat videos!" Connor yelled as we got into the elevator. We laughed and went to choose our rooms. We got our room right next to Mark, Weston and Blake. When we got into the room we all jumped on a bed, claiming it. "Connor! I just remembered I have cat pjs!" I yelled and Connor laughed. When we finished jumping on our beds we all collapsed. "Its so early why am I tired!" Grace yelled and groaned. "Because we got on the plane at 5 in the morning. Just remember MAGCON tomorrow." I said and she smiled. "Also, remember, internet kids never sleep." Connor said and we laughed again. 

         "What time is it?" I asked. "Like three." Connor answered. "We have to go get dinner soon. Just us though, it'll be fun." I said, Grace groaned. "Why not just room service!" She yelled. "So we can actually get out of here. And not be lazy." "But we are lazy!" She insisted. "It will be fun! Just do it!" Connor yelled and I nodded. "Why don't you invite Dylan?" Grace asked me. "Why don't you invite Mark?" I said. "Are you implying I like him? Because I don't. Jeez!" She yelled and ran to the bathroom. "What crawled up her ass?" I asked Connor, he shook his head and turned on the tv. When she came out of the bathroom she was in a whole new outfit. 

        She had a white shirt on that said 'Sarcasm' with the ting and yang symbol, ripped jeans, Toms and she curled her hair. I went into the bathroom and saw my straightener, Im guessing Grace unpacked. I picked it up and started straightening my hair, then I put it in a waterfall braid, that only took about four hundred hours. I put on ripped jeans, Toms and a black shirt that says 'I would rather have flowers in my hair then diamonds around my neck.' I walked out and Connor and Grace were at the door. "Lets go! Its time for dinner!" Grace yelled at me looking up from her phone. "Let me grab my phone." I said, I grabbed my phone and we left. In the hallway I saw Kian, JC and Trevor, Connor called them over and now I guess were all going to dinner. 


        "Okay, we are gonna walk around. Just us, can you guys find your way back to the hotel and not get lost?" Kian asked me and Grace, looking at me the whole time. "Yes, because I won't let her lead us." Grace said and I groaned. When we were walking back it was getting really dark. "Do you know where we are going?" I asked Grace. "No and this is probably a long shot, but do you?" She asked. "No, and Im scared. Let me call Zach." I said. "And whats that gonna do?" "I don't know, just let it happen." I pulled out my phone and called him. Then we heard a ringtone...his ringtone, I only know it was his because the song was 'History,' by One Direction. 

        I laughed and looked across the street at Mark, Dylan, Zach, Weston and Blake. His ringtone is loud if I can hear it all the way over here. I stopped Grace and pointed at them. "Hello?" Zach said on the phone. "Look across the street dummy." I said, we both waved. Them being stupid ran across the street not even looking for cars. "We don't know our way back, our brother ditched us." Grace said and they laughed. "Don't worry well help you." Mark said. 

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