Chapter 25

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*Grace POV*

       I have my period. I was lying in bed and scrolled through Instagram. I saw that Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin had girlfriends. For some reason it made me cry. I got up and ran to Rosie's room, I knocked and Dylan came to the door. Rosie was yelling at the tv. "Rosie!" I said crying and she looked up. "Luke and Ashton have girlfriends!" Then she started crying too, we hugged and Dylan just stood there. "Yeah, um, I'm gonna go get Kian." He said and left. We stood there crying and hugging. The door opened and who I'm guessing Kian and Dylan entered. "What's wrong?" Kian asked pulling us apart. "Ashton and Luke have girlfriends." Rosie said. He laughed and looked at Dylan. "Dude they have their periods. Just get them chocolate and ginger ale. I mean Rose crys all the time so I don't know if just Grace has it but deal with it. Love you guys." He said kissing our heads and leaving. We both sat down wiping our eyes. "Why are you just standing there?! Get us food!" Rosie yelled to Dylan. He walked over and kissed her lips, then left. "You should call Jacob and tell him." Rosie said and I nodded. I pulled out my phone and Blake answered. "Where's Jacob?" I asked still crying. "One sec. Jacob! Phone!" He yelled. "Hey Grace." He said. "Hi." "What's wrong?" "Stuff, bad stuff." "Where are you? I'm coming." "Rosie's room." He hung up and I sat back down. A couple minutes later there was a knock, Rosie got up and he just looked at her because she was also crying.

       I got up and he pulled me into a hug. I was crying into his shoulder, this made Rosie cry harder. "Tell me what's wrong." He said. "Luke and Ashton from 5SOS have girlfriends." I said into his shoulder. He started laughing and I looked at him with a straight face. "Oh your not joking." He said and pulled me back into a hug. "It's their time of the month." Dylan said walking into the room.

*Rosie POV*

        When Dylan walked in he came and sat next to me. He pulled out the food and I smiled. "Finally you smiled!" He said which made me smile bigger. He put his hand around my neck and pulled me close. Then he kissed me, it surprised me first but then I kissed back. "I'm gonna go for a walk." I said and got up. I walked past Jacob and Grace who were still hugging. I decided to go see what Zach was doing, it was around 8:00 at night. He's definitely not sleeping. I knocked and he came to the door. I walked in and saw he was on broadcast. "Oh, sorry. I'll come back." I said. He shook his head and pulled me back. We laid on his bed and he started talking. "Oh guys this is Rosie Lawley. Kian's sister." Zach said and I smiled. I looked at the comments, some were mean, some about loving my brothers, some were shipping 'Rach' or 'Zosie.' "Comment one if you love her brother. We will guest some people." He said and everyone was commenting. He picked a random girl and guested her. "Omg! I love your brother! And O2L so much. I saw them once but I didn't want to say hi, I was too nervous." She said, it made me gag. Her voice was way too high, but Zach seemed to love it. "Let me call him." I said trying to make Zach happy. She squealed and I gaged again. I put it on speaker and he picked up. "What's wrong now? Still crying?" He asked. "No and shut up. I'm with Zach and there's a girl on YouNow that wants to talk to you." I said. "Hi Kian!" She squealed. "Hello girl from YouNow." He said dully. "My name is Carly." She said and there was silence. Kian made a really weird noise and hung up. Zach started laughing and dropped the girl. He put his arm around me and I just stared at him.

        The comments were asking if we were dating and other shit. "Guys, we are just friends!" I said and Zach nodded. "With some history." He added and started playing 'History' by One Direction. "this describes our relationship perfectly." He said laughing. "Except you don't like me anymore." I said and looked back at the camera. One of the comments asked if we had sex, I showed Zach and we both started laughing. "Okay, well Im about to get off. Let me call someone and have them get on. Who should I call?" Zach asked the viewers. They said Jacob and Mark, Mark mostly. "Ill call him." I said and dialed his number. No one answered, it started saying you have reached...then his number. I totally forgot. I ended it before the last two numbers were said. "Ill actually call Grace, she has Jacob. They could get Weston too." I suggested and Zach nodded. It rang and she picked up. "Hey. You ok?" I asked. "Yep, Jacobs great." She said, I swear i could hear her smiling. "Yeah, and just so you know your on speaker for Zach's broadcast. And tell Jacob to go live, also get Mark and weston in there too." "Okay. Jacob go live." I heard him say in five minutes. "He said in five minutes, and Dylan wants you back." "Tell him I'm coming." I hung up and Zach said his goodbyes.

     "Rosie?" Zach said and I looked at him. "Yep?" "I actually still like you, a lot."

*Grace POV*

        "Im not going live till you give me a kiss." Jacob said and I kissed his hand. "Not there." I kissed his cheek and he shook his head. I smiled and kissed his lips. "Now go live!" I yelled and he opened YouNow. 

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