Chapter 42

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*Rosie POV*

"Are you and Cameron best friends?" Hunter asked me as we sat in the lobby. "Yeah, you can say that. Your brother is adorable, by the way." "Don't tell him that. He may look five but he's actually thirteen." I laughed. "I don't care he is adorable. I'm sticking with that." He nodded and smiled. "I love your smile. It makes you look even cuter." I said, he smiled again. I smiled, too, and he put his hand around my neck, pulling my head closer to his. We just looked into each other's eyes and both of us were blushing. I then leaned in and kissed him. Once we pulled away I looked over at the commotion and saw the guys walk in. Cameron started yelling 'Oooo!' And then the other boys started too.

             Me and Hunter were smiling and blushing like crazy. Then I saw Dylan, his face broke me. He walked over to the elevators and I stood up. But then everyone came up to me, Cameron picked me up and I saw for one second Dylan look at me, he then quickly turned away and walked into the elevator. "Cameron! Let me down!" I yelled and he did put me down. "Rosie!" Hunter called as I was starting to walk off. "I have to go!" I said and kept walking. "Just let me ask you something." "Later Hunter. Please, I have to go." He looked down and nodded. I smiled and walked over to him. I lifted his head, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to the stairs.

              Where is Dylan's room? I walked up to floor four and looked around. I got my phone out and texted Hayes.

Rosie- What is your room number and what floor?

Hayes- Why? Is it Dylan?

Rosie- Yes! Just tell me please!

Hayes- Floor five, room 204

Rosie- Thanks.

Hayes- Yep

            I ran to the fifth floor and saw Dylan at the vending machine. I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder. "O-one s-sec." I said, trying to catch my breath. "Dylan, don't be mad." "How can I not be." "But we aren't together." "Yeah, your idea. Was it because you wanted to kiss him?" "No, I just didn't want you to break up with me again." "We never broke up!" "Yes, we did." "I don't recall." "Oh you don't remember saying that we should see other people?" "Rosie, I'm sorry. But this situation is messed up. Do you like him?" "I don't know, I think I do." "Oh. What about us?" "Dylan, I love you." He laughed and looked down, shaking his head. "Yeah. I bet, why don't we give it a day. Just see if you can not kiss him for a whole day."

            "Do you still love me?" I asked. He just stood there and looked around. "Dylan? Do you still love me?" "I told you once, and I'm not saying it again. I will never stop." I smiled, not showing him though. I hugged him, he didn't hug back but I just held on to him really tight. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He pulled me away and kissed my head. "Ill see you later." He grabbed his snacks and walked away. I leaned against the vending machine and sighed. The the elevator opened and Hunter walked out. "Rosie! Hey!" He said and walked to me. "Um, what was it that you wanted to ask me?" "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me." I looked down the hall where Dylan just disappeared and saw nothing. Hunter had hope in his eyes, I smiled and so did he. "Sure."

            I walked back down to the hallway and ran to Aaron. I gave him a hug and he didn't let go of me. "Aaron! I'm dying let go!" "Never, Cameron is mine and I don't share." I laughed and he let go of me. I ran to Cameron and jumped on his back. "He's mine Aaron, get over it." I said and stuck my tongue at him. "Hey Danny Boy! You be whipped!" Hayes yelled. Daniel started blushing and smiling. "Am not." He said. "Dude you gave her a freaking promise ring." Cam said and I hit his cheek. "So?" "So your whipped." Aaron said and everyone started agreeing.

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