Chapter 3

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*Rosie POV*

         After we got everyone in the group we started our way to the hotel. I sat next to Zach and Sam in the van. Zach was cracking jokes the whole time and Sam was talking to Edwin. "So, Rosie?" Zach said. "So Zach." "How long are you gonna be on the tour." "As long as everyone else is." He smiled and then started singing along to the Justin Bieber song that was on. I couldn't stop laughing, he is so funny, no wonder he's on this tour.  I looked over at Grace to see how she was doing. She was sitting in the first row of seats with Daniel. They didn't look like they were talking that much. I looked away and started talking to Zach.

*Grace POV*

        When we got on the van I wanted to sit with Daniel. Bad idea, we have only talked like three times.  "Daniel?" I said. He looked over at me. "Yeah?" "What are you here for?" "Oh, Im a singer. How about you?" "Well, no real reason, my mom made me come with my brother." I pointed to Kian, then continued. "But i do know how to play guitar and sing. Its just that Kian and my sister don't know." He smiled. "Well maybe we can jam out sometime. I could teach you some of my songs." "I'd like that." We just continued to talk until we got to the hotel. 

*Rosie POV* 

         When we got to the hotel Zach grabbed my hand and started running, so I was forced to. "Zach! Our luggage!" I yelled to him. "Don't worry!" He yelled back to me. We got into the hotel and just sat on the couch till everyone else got into the lobby. One by one everyone walked in. Kian had my suitcase and brought it over to me. "Here you go, princess." He said sarcastically. "Why thank you." He sat next to me and called Sam over. Edwin then walked in and threw Zach his luggage. "We were playing rock, paper, scissors to see who had to bring this to you, I lost." Zach rolled his eyes and laughed. 

       A tall guy called everyone over to where we are. "Ok. Im gonna give you guys your room assignments." Everyone cheered. "Ok, so here we go. We are on the tenth floor. Jack and Jack room 245. Kian and JC room 246. Sam and Trevor 247. Connor and Ricky room 248. Rudan and Edwin room 249. Nick and Timmy room 250. Zach and Rosie room 251." Kian gave the guy and Zach a weird look. We just high fived. "Daniel and Grace room 252." Kian did it again. "And finally Dylan and Hayes room 253." We all got our room partner and ran to the elevators. 

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