Chapter 57

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*Bella POV*

           "Jacob, I actually like you too." I said and smiled. He started blushing then walked over to Taylor. I just kept smiling to myself and walking like an idiot. "Bella!" Rosie yelled while laughing. I looked over at her. She was being chased by Zach, I started laughing and ran up to her. I pulled her arm so she wasn't running anymore. "Got ya!" Zach yelled and pulled her hair. We all started walking together. "Where's Dylan?" I asked. "I don't know, where's Blakey?" She said and I rolled my eyes. She's always like this... Mostly annoying. But she is great to have around. But she needs to work on some of her shit. "There he is, go get him." She pushed me over to him but I just walked back to her. 

            He saw me and lightly smiled then looked down at the sidewalk. Rosie and Zach were talking about what they were gonna do when they were twenty five for some reason. "I wanna be a kindergarten teacher with a bunch of kids, living in Hollywood." She said. Im a realist and to be honest. I know that isn't going to happen. "With Dylan?" Zach asked and i saw her eyes move over to him. "I don't know." She shrugged and Zach nodded. I rolled my eyes again. "What about you Bel?" She asked me. "Um, I will probably be looking for a job. Not looking for love in my life." I said and that what I honestly felt id be doing.

            "Wow, someones a party pooper." She whispered, not quiet enough. I swear to god. I might strangle her to death. Her and Zach started laughing so I walked away. Taylor waved me over to him, Cam, Aaron and Jacob. I walked over and Aaron pulled me on his back. "You guys could seriously be siblings." Cam said and we laughed. "Why did you stop walking with Rose?" Jacob asked. "Ive known her my whole life. You guys will find out that she is actually pretty annoying sometimes and she makes me want to kill her." I answered, they nodded except for Cam. "Babydoll, you don't say that about my bestie." Cam yelled shaking his finger at me. 

*Rosie POV*

            "Hey Rose." Dyl said and put his arm around my waist. I looked at Zach and he was already walking away. I want to yell at him to get back here but Dylan would be confused. "Hey." I said and he kissed my cheek. "Hows my love doing?" "Good, I was just talking to Zach." He nodded and took my hand. Then all of a sudden in one movement I was off the ground and falling face first on the side walk. I let go of Dylan's hand  and my face collided with the concrete. "Ow, damn it." I said and just stayed on the ground. Everyone stopped and came up to me. 

           "Are you ok?" and "You good?" and "What just happened?" was all I'm hearing right now. God thats annoying. "I will be if you guys stop asking!" I yelled. Bella sat next to me and I put my head on her shoulder. Then everyone else kept walking, even Dylan. But Hunter walked over and sat next to me. "Hun, your nose is bleeding." He said and showed me blood after he touched my nose. "Shit." I stood up and felt dizzy. Hunter was next to me so I grabbed his shoulder. Bella was still on the ground. "i wanna go back, I don't care about food right now." I said covering my nose. "Ill go with you." Hunter added and Bella nodded. We all started walking to the hotel. 

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