Chapter 5

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*Grace POV*

          "Just do it!" Rosie yelled. I pulled my phone out and Daniel put his arm around me. i didn't realize i was blushing until I turned the camera on. I just realized my ex, John, will see this. Oh god! Here we go.  "This is Daniel Skye, and we are dating." "Its official." Everyone yelled. I thought Daniel would take his arm off of me, but he didn't. There were comments in the second i posted it, perks of being Kian Lawley's sister. One of them said, 'Such a cute couple!,' 'Didn't she just break up with John?,' and 'OTP.' But two stuck out the most, Im guessing they were Daniel fans. 'She's not good enough.' 'Why would he choose her? There are many other girls.' 

       I got up and ran to my room. I sat on my bed and deleted the vine. I crawled under the covers and tried not to cry. "Grace?" Someone said. "Who is it? Go away!" "Its just Daniel. Relax." I felt him sit on the bed so I got out from under the covers and sat next to him. He put his arm around me again and I put my head on his chest. "Whats wrong?" "Some girls said that i shouldn't date you because I'm not pretty enough." 

      "Let me tell you something, you are the most beautiful person I have eve seen." "Your just saying that." "Believe what you want, and I will believe what I want." I picked up my head and smiled at him. He stood up and put his hand out. I grabbed it and he stood me up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. 

      We pulled away and he took my hand and we walked back to the room. Kian was standing up, waiting for me. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. "I love you Gracypoo." He said. "I love you too Kian. But never call me that again." "She's back!" He yelled. 

*Rosie POV*

         I was talking to Zach, Edwin and Johnson. We were talking about breakfast for some odd reason. "Hey Rose. Remember when we made pancakes, how good they were?" Jack said. "Of course!" He smiled at me and i smiled back. "You should make them for me one time." Zach said. "Sure." "Tomorrow we are going to wonder the streets and do something fun!" Connor yelled. "So that means we should all get in groups of like three, or four!" Ricky finished. I grabbed Jack and Zach's hands. 

        "What about me?" Edwin said. "Yes! Of course you can be in our group." I grabbed his hands. Someone put on music. "Dance with me?" Edwin asked. "Yes." We got up and started doing really bad dance moves. Zach sighed and walked over to Rudan and  Timmy. Jack recorded us. Grace walked over with Daniel and Hayes. "You got partners for tomorrow?" She asked me. "Yep. Edwin, Zach and Jack J. You?" "Yep. Hayes and Daniel." "Why are you dancing like your on steroids?" Hayes asked. I laughed and he pushed Edwin over a little and started dancing with me. 

*Grace POV*

         i was laughing at my sister when Daniel took my hand and started doing some weird dance move. "Dance with me!" He shouted. "Never! I only dance in front of people I love!" He laughed and still was dancing.  

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