Chapter 18

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*Rosie POV*

          Today was our first show. We all were getting ready. "Dly! Come zip up my dress!" I yelled to him. He came out and smiled at me. "Little fancy don't you think?" He asked laughing. "This is my first show! Let me look nice! Just zip me up!" He smiled and zipped me then turned me around. We both smiled at each other and he started to lean in. Soon enough he was kissing me. I pulled away and he frowned. "What's wrong Rosie?" He asked me. "Zach. I just feel so bad, I'm sorry." "Yeah, that's always the excuse with you." He said and left the room. I looked around the room and started crying. The door opened and I hoped it was Dylan but it was just Zach. I quickly wiped away the tears. "Your mascaras running, I know I'm a boy but I think that only happens if you were crying." "Yeah, you guessed it." I said trying to smile. "Don't cry. We have our first show, be happy." "It's just Dylan..." I said starting to cry again. "You like him don't you? I won't be upset just tell me." "Yeah, I do but I also like you and I don't know what to do." "Oh. Well I'm going to the venue, wanna come with me?" I smiled and toke his hand. "You look very pretty ." He said as we were getting into a taxi. "Thanks, you don't look that bad." He laughed and we just stared talking.

*Grace POV*

          I was getting ready for the show and me and Rosie decided to dress nice. I just put on a floral skirt and a white tank top. Dylan walked in and greeted Daniel and Cam. He looked a little upset, I wondered where Rosie was. "Dylan? Where's Rose?" I asked him. "Um, good question. She's not in the room." "Shit." I decided to text her but no answer. "Don't bother texting her, her phone is in the room." "Shit!" I screamed again. Then Edwin came in the room. "Do you know where Zach is?" He asked us. "Yeah, he went to the venue early." Daniel said. "I know where Rosie is." Dylan said and left. "Daniel lets go." I said but he just sat there. "Sorry, but I'm gonna stay here with Cam and Edwin." I gave him a death glare and ran after Dylan. "Dylan! Wait! I'm in heels!" He stopped. "I just need to get her." "Dude she's not all that you know? I've lived with her my whole life, she snores and talks in her sleep. She is super sloppy and dosent do anything unless she gets something for it." He just laughed and smiled. "But she's perfect to me." I smiled and pushed him into the elevator. Kian called me, "Hey. I'm going to the venue. Where are you?" I asked. "Oh, we are in my room all the boys are. We will meet you there, soon." "Okay, love you brother." "Love you too sis." And we hung up. The elevator dinged and we ran out and got the nearest taxi. "Where's daniel?" He asked me once we got in the cab. "He didn't want to come." I said and started playing with my hands. We finally got to the venue and Rosie was there with Zach in the back just goofing around. "Dylan just go to her." I said and punched his arm. "But she's having fun with him." They were playing the game where the floor is lava and you can't step on it. They were both laughing. "Dylan! Go! Kiss her!" "She won't let me, because of Zach." "Dylan! Seriously! Now!" He nodded and started walking towards them. Zach touched the ground and pulled Rosie with him. They fell and he was on top of her, they started laughing. Dylan turned around but I mouthed now. They got up, Rosie wasn't wearing her heels. She was barefoot, Dylan is so tall. Zach put up one finger then left. She just sat down and looked up to the ceiling. Dylan finally got over there and she stood up and smiled. He grabbed her waist and kissed her, I think she kissed back. She didn't pull away, it was adorable. I think me and Daniel are losing our spark...

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