Chapter 17

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*Rosie POV*

     Today was my date with Zach. Grace was coming to meet me and help me pick an outfit. She walked in and I started laughing at her sweatshirt. "Hey stop! Me and Daniel are doing the boyfriend tag." She said. "You guys are so cheesy." We both laughed. "I thought you didn't even like Zach, why are you trying so hard?" "Because I do kinda like him, and someone else..." "Oh my god! Who?" "I can't tell you I only told Westy." "Did you just call him Westy?" She said laughing. I looked down and blushed. Dylan walked in once i got my outfit on. "Wow! You look really pretty." He said which made me blush. "Oh I know who it is!" Grace yelled. "Dylan? Will you help me and Daniel film our youtube video?" She asked and he nodded. "Okay, well I gotta go. See you soon Dylan." She said, winked and left. "You really do look nice." "Thanks, Dylan. I have my date today." "Yeah, well Im gonna go. Talk to you later." He said and kissed my cheek. "Dylan! You got Cheetos on my cheek!" "Sorry! But I love them!" I laughed at and looked at myself in the mirror. Then Zach walked in. "Oh my wow!" He said in his weird voice, I smiled. "Thanks." "Ready?" "Yep, let me grab that purse." We walked out and he grabbed my hand.

*Grace POV*

          "Okay hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, Im on tour with my brother." I said into the camera. "Anyway, this is the Boyfriend Tag. And thank you Dylan for filming." He peeked his head out and it made me laugh because of the face he made. "Okay so most of you know who this is. It is Daniel Skye, and he, my boyfriend." He kissed my cheek. "Okay, so you guys sent us questions and we will answer them." Daniel said. "Okay first question!" Dylan said. "Where did you guys first meet?" Daniel started thinking. "I know!" He screamed. "We were at the airport and we were meeting everyone. I was with Dylan and he introduced himself first. Then I said 'Im Daniel Skye.'" He said in a very serious voice. I nodded and Dylan got the next question. "Okay guys. Um, when was the first time you guys had a real conversation?" "I can answer this one!" I said covering Daniel's mouth. "Um, we were in the van and I wanted to sit next to him, but we didn't really talk that much until I asked him why he was on tour." "Very cool, very cool." Dylan said and we laughed. "Next question, first kiss?"  He said wiggling his eyebrows. "Actually, the first date." I said. "Second." Daniel said back. I rolled my eyes. Out of the little viewing thing on the camera I saw Cameron with a towel around him, Im defiantly not cutting that out. "Daniel look at Cam." We both started laughing and when Dylan did he laughed too. "Cam! Put some clothes on!" Dylan yelled and cam ran to the bathroom we all just laughed. 

        "Okay, next question. First date?" He asked. "I know what Daniel is gonna say, don't believe him." I whispered to the camera. "Okay, McDonalds." He said. "No! Just because all the other guys wanted to go to Wendy's and we were alone dosent mean it was a date." "Yes it does! Because I said, this is like our first date." "Whatever." "Okay and last question, why are you guys wearing such cheesy outfits?" "Dylan! Thats not a question! And we thought it would be cute." I said. "No, you thought it would be cute." I fake pouted and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Think we should kiss?" He whispered in my ear. "Maybe." And then he kissed me and Dylan turned off the camera. "Aww! You guys are so cute but cheesy, like really cheesy." And then Dylan left. 

*Rosie POV*

            We just ate lunch and now we are walking around the little village. "Thank you Zach." I said. "Yeah, no problem." "Im glad we did this." "Think you would want to do it again?" "I don't know, maybe." "Well, this might change your mind." He gravid both of my hands and intertwined his with mine and then kissed me. We kissed for a while, then we pulled away. I rested my forehead on his and his was on mine. "Did it change your mind?" He asked. "It might just have." I smiled and so did he.

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