Chapter 26

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*Grace POV*

              I called Weston and Mark and they are both coming to the room. Rosie still isn't back and Dylan wants her. There was a knock and Dylan opened it to Weston and Mark. They both came and sat on the bed as Jacob started his broadcast. "Hey guys Jacob here." He said and a bunch of viewers were coming in. Soon he had 4K. Weston and Mark jumped in the screen and they were goofing around. It was pretty funny. Then Mark waved me over, I sat next to him. "Guys this is Grace Lawley. She's my bestie and you need to except her for her." Mark said. I smiled and so did he. We just goofed around a lot and talked about the tour.

*Rosie POV*

             "Did you just say you still like me?" I asked in shock. "Yeah, a lot. You kinda left me hanging there after we went on our date, like then you and Dylan just out of no where kiss. And then I find out your dating." He said and looked at his feet. "But you said it was ok, you said it was fine!" I was getting mad now. "Haven't you ever heard of lying!" "I'm sorry you feel that way." "Your fricken sorry I like you!" "No that's not what I meant, but Zach seriously you should've told me this a while ago." "Just look at me and tell me you don't have any feelings." He lifted up my chin. "Zach I really care about you." "Of course you do, of course." "If I wasn't dating Dylan I'd kiss you." "Sure you would." "Zach stop! This isn't easy!" "Just tell me you actually ever had feelings for me." I was crying now. "Yes, Zach. I did ok, I liked you so much. But there was something about Dylan." I heard a noise behind me but I didn't even care, Zach just stared at me. So I continued. "Zach stop looking at me like that! I can't do anything about this! You don't chose who you love!" I love Dylan. "You love him?" Zach asked and I nodded. "You love me?" I turned around and saw Dylan. Zach stormed passed us and left. I looked down and nodded my head. He came over and lifted up my chin, he looked into my eyes. He hugged me, he didn't say it back he just hugged me. I started crying again and pushed him off, I ran to my room. When I walk in I see them broadcasting, great more people to see me cry. Weston saw me but I walked out before he got up. Then the door opened and it was Weston. "What's wrong?" He asked. I wiped my tears and faked smiled. "Nothing. I'm fine." "Nope, you need to tell me, now." I nodded and sat down, he sat next to me.

           "Zach admitted he still had feelings for me. I don't like him though, and then while we were fighting I heard the door open but I didn't think anything of it. And I blurted out that I love Dylan, but you know it was Dylan at the door and he heard. And you know what he did? He hugged me, that's all. He didn't say it back, he just doesn't love me. It's so embarrassing Weston. He's my first love ever, I mean Zach was like my first real crush who I really really liked. And he doesn't love me back, I bet he's loved so many girls and broken many girls hearts before." I said and Weston put his arm around me. "He's stupid to not love you. But um here comes Zach, I'll leave you two." Weston said and went back into the room. I stood up and Zach hugged me. "I'm sorry Zach. Your one of my favorite people in this world." I said into his shoulder. "It's fine, and your bae for life, just so you know." I smiled and pulled away. I saw Dylan walking over. "Go in the room, I'll be right there. This won't take long." He nodded and left. Dylan walked over and just stared at me. "Rosie Lawley. I love you." He said and took my hand. "Why couldn't you have said that earlier." "Because I didn't know if I actually did, but I do now." I pulled my hand away. "You didn't know! Are you serious! I will only forgive you because I love you." He pulled me into a hug. "I love you Rose." "I love you too Dyl Dyl."

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