Chapter 33

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*Grace POV*

Today is MAGCON and Im so excited! I get to see Daniel and Jacob! I woke up and Rosie and Connor were still asleep. I got out of bed and jumped on Rosie. "Get up! Now! MAGCON today! Its nine right now and it starts at two!" I yelled and she hit me, I fell off the bed. "I bought us merch!" I said and she sat up. I smiled and she gave me a dirty look. "Let me see the merch." She said and stood up. I got up off the ground, from when I fell, and walked to my suitcase. I pulled out her sweatshirt, it said 'Cameron Dallas and some pizza slices.' She looked at it and grabbed it from me, while smiling. "I love it! Thanks!" She yelled and hugged me. "I also got you a beanie." I pulled it out and she grabbed it too. "What did you get?" She asked me, I showed her my Daniel Skye sweatshirt and she wiggled her eyebrows. "Shut up!" I yelled and hit her with it.

Connor got up as we were hitting each other with our sweatshirt and laughing. "Girls! What the fudge nut!" Connor yelled and pulled us apart. We laughed again then started hitting him. He was screaming, it was the funniest thing that has happened probably all tour. After we all got dressed we decided to go get lunch because its now 12:00. We meet up with Dylan, Blake, Kian and the other o2l boys in the hallway. The others were already downstairs eating. Rosie ran to Dylan and kissed, I looked at Kian and we both fake gaged then laughed. When we got downstairs we ate really quick so we could get to the venue early and get good places to stand I guess.


There were a bunch of girls screaming when we got out of the van. When they saw us they screamed louder. "Guys can you be quiet? We are trying to surprise the boys." Zach said, they mostly nodded. They kept screaming for the MAGCON boys and we hid in the crowd. "Im so excited to see Daniel and Jacob." I said to Rosie. "I want to see Cam." She said and grabbed Dylan's hand. They finally let us inside and we were all so excited. All the boys came on the stage and I couldn't stop smiling. They looked like they were having such a fun time. After about an hour only Cam came out on stage. "Okay! We are going to have some people come on stage!" He said into the microphone and the girls went crazy. "Raise your hand if you would like to come up. we will have our security guy choose for us. Only ten people." He then went backstage again, me and Rosie raised our hands. JC did too as a joke and he was screaming like a girl.

The guy picked JC and we all started laughing, then he picked Rosie. She looked so happy, she had a huge smile. Then he picked me, I ran to Rosie and we started screaming. Dylan kissed Rosie's head and we walked up to the stage with the other girls. Rosie grabbed JC's hand, I think she is nervous. The other girls were talking to JC and me and Rosie were mouthing random words to each other. I don't know if she was actually trying to tell me something, I didn't understand. All the boys came back on stage and Rosie grabbed JC's hand again. They called us out and we hid behind the girls. "Okay, whats your name?" The security guy asked one of the girls. The boys sat on their stools. After she said her name she ran to one of the boys. It was Rosie's turn. "And you?" He asked her. "Um, Rosie." She said and let go of JC's hand, Cameron, Jacob and Daniel turned around. Cameron stood up and attacked her in a hug. Daniel started looking in the crowd, and Rosie ran to give Jacob a hug. She stood next to him and then JC said his name, he ran to cam and pretend to be a fangirl. I started laughing, it was one more girl then me. She ran to Daniel and then it was me. "My name is Grace." I said and smiled. Daniel looked over, he smiled and waved me to him.

We sat on the stools where the boys were sitting and they made us sing and do other stupid stuff. "Okay if you guys didn't already have a meet and greet pass, then you do now!" Daniel yelled into the mic and passed them out. When he got to me he stopped. "Is everyone here?" He asked and I nodded. "Meet us backstage." I nodded and he continued walking. We went to go back into the audience, me and JC were waiting for Cam and Rosie to stop talking. The audience was even getting mad, they do not like the thought of Cameron being taken. Even though he's not. "By the way I like your sweater." Daniel said as he passed me, I smiled. "Rosie! Let's go!" I yelled and she flipped me off. Finally, they hugged and she ran to me. "He's like my best friend, shut up." She said and ran to Dylan.


We went backstage, like Daniel said. They ran to us and everyone hugged. Me and Rosie went over to the other boys and introduced ourselves. I have seen all of them on vine. I walked over to Daniel and hugged him. "Ive missed you." He said and pulled away. "Didn't I just see you a couple days ago?" I asked. "Really? Thats all you have to say?" "Ive missed you too." I said and kissed his cheek. Someone put on music, Daniel started dancing, I couldn't stop laughing. Then, I started dancing and Daniel smiled at me. He grabbed my hands and stopped me. "I love you too." He said and I pulled my hands away. "What?" I asked, shocked. "Remember when you told me you only dance in front of people you love." I looked down. "Oh, right." He lifted up my chin and kissed me.

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