Chapter 30

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*Rosie POV*

         After the boys got on their plane we all started to walk away, except Grace. I walked over to her and she had a tear in her eye, when she saw me she smiled and wiped it away. "Lets go sis." She said and linked our arms. "Grace, I know your upset, you don't have to hide it." I said and stopped her from walking. "Im not." "You are, is it Daniel or is it Jacob?" She looked out the huge window at the plane leaving. "Is it possible to be both?" She asked crying again. "Its totally possible." She nodded. "Can we just go now? Before they leave without us?" She said, I nodded and we laughed. We ran to the van and I got the only seat left, next to Zach. Grace sat next to Kian they were squished. "Whats our next stop?" I asked Zach. "Um, Texas." "Isn't that where MAGCON is? Who's gonna want to come to us instead of MAGCON?" He laughed. "You'd be surprised, I bet O2L is just as famous." I nodded and zoned out. 

          When I opened my eyes I was in my room, all the boys were in there, even my brother. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "She's up!" Kian yelled. "What are you guys doing?" "Planning for our next show." Ricky said. "When are we even going to Texas?" I asked. "Tomorrow. Get on the program dude!" JC said. "Sorry but no one gave me a schedule." I looked around and Dylan, Blake, Weston, Mark and Zach weren't there. "Where's Dylan?" I asked again and Kian looked at me with an annoyed expression. "They are at the mall or something having a little meet and greet." Grace said. "Wanna go?" I asked and she nodded, we smiled and I got up. We walked down to the lobby and got into a taxi. "We should pretend to be fans or something, like surprise them." Grace said. "Yes!" I yelled. We got to the mall and we walked in, we could already hear screams. We got to the second floor and found the boys. "You go to Mark, Ill go to Dylan." I said and she nodded then ran to the group of girls attacking Mark. I ran to where Dylan and Zach were, they had the biggest group. I tried to squeeze through the girls but I felt something fall out of my pocket. My phone fell! Shit! I got on the ground and tried to find it, I saw it it was next to this one girls foot. I just got kicked in the head! Shit that hurt! The girl kicked my phone now its all the way behind Zach. 

          I managed to crawl through the girls and I just passed Zach, I picked up my phone. "Hey! Why is she over there!" A girl yelled and pointed to me. Dylan and Zach turned around and smiled at me. "I don't know, why is she?" Dylan said and walked over to me. I started smiling and the girls were looking at me with nasty faces. "Thats not fair!" Another one yelled. "Relax guys! Its Dylan's girlfriend!" Zach yelled to them, they started yelling stuff. Some nice but mostly mean. I just kept smiling at Dylan, he finally got to me and kissed me. 

*Grace POV*

             There were about thirty girls in marks little circle. I managed to push through some of them. I heard Mark yelling and telling them to go in a line. Of course I have to be short so he can't see me. "Aren't you Grace Lawley?" A girl behind me asked, I nodded. "Ive seen you on the boy's broadcasts." "Im guessing you like my brother?" "Yeah, he's really funny, and cute." I gaged and she laughed. "Im just trying to surprise Mark but these girls are like animals." "Yeah, tell me about it. Ive been here for like forever." i laughed and grabbed her hand. "Help me get through these girls, well go get him." I said and she nodded. I stood on my tippy toes and saw Rosie and Dylan kiss, I then lowered myself and kept pushing. "No way your getting through us, we are real fans and don't just care about meeting him. Like you do." A blonde barbie bitch said to me. I wanted to slap that five pounds of makeup right off her face. "Oh yeah! Ive been watching him for like almost a year!" I said, hoping she'll be a fake fan. "Yeah well me and my friends have been watching him for like three years." I laughed at her and she crossed her arms. "You know he just started YouNow last year, right?" I asked laughing again. 

            She huffed and looked away. I pushed her out of the way and made sure the other girl was still with me. I could see Mark, he was right in front of me. I just had to get these girls away. He started taking pictures with them and he saw me and smiled. After he took pictures with the girls in front of me he grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. "Just wait for a second, Im almost done." He whispered in my ear and I nodded. "Oh wait!" I yelled over the girls and pulled him back. "There's this girl I want you to meet." He just stared at me and I gave him puppy dog eyes, he nodded. I called her over and she stood next to me. "Mark this is, um, whats your name?" I asked her. "Im Olivia." "Mark this is Olivia." She was really pretty and I know he thought so too. He just kept staring at her until the fans yelled for him to come back. "Stay here." He said to her. He walked back over to the girls and Olivia looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back ten times of bigger. "You know I like you. Give me your phone." She handed me her phone and I put my number in her phone. "We should hang out soon." I gave her the phone and she put it in her pocket. "Actually I live in Texas, Im just visiting family." "Really?! Thats our next stop!" She smiled and we laughed. 

        After the boys's meet and greet Mark walked back over to the girl. I left them alone and walked to Weston, Blake and Zach. "Where's my sister?" I asked. "Her and Dylan are eating. Who's Mark talking to?" Weston asked. "Oh, her name is Olivia. She's super nice and they would be super cute together. Plus, she lives in Texas, our next stop." I said and attempted wiggled my eyebrows. They laughed at me. "Well, so do I. I guess she's mine." Blake said and started to walk over, I pulled him back. "Stop, seriously. There cute." I looked over and it looked like he was putting his number in her phone. "I was joking, chill." Blake said laughing. Mark waved to her and he walked back to us with a huge smile. "She's so nice!" He yelled. "Grace your like a love doctor." I laughed and he gave me a hug. "Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you but Timmy and Nick want to go to MAGCON in Texas. And everyone agreed, is that ok with you?" Zach asked me. "Um, I guess. I'd like to see them, even though we just saw them earlier today." I said. "Lets go get Rosie and Dylan and head back to the hotel." We all nodded and went to the food court.

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