Chapter 7

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*Grace POV*

          We are waiting at the fountain for Jack and Rosie to come out of the store they went to. Zach keeps looking to see if they are coming, and I feel bad because I know he likes her. "Grace." Daniel said tapping on my shoulder. "Yeah?" "I want to take a picture for Instagram." "Okay." I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder and he kissed my cheek. He showed me and I nodded, he posted it saying, 'Great day with her!' He tagged me in it and a lot of people liked it. There were hate comments but it didn't get to me that much. "Just ignore the comments." I nodded and put my phone back in my pocket. Zach was sitting on a bench with Edwin and Hayes, we walked over and sat with them. "There they are!" Zach said pointing to them, Rosie had a smile on her face and so did Jack. They weren't holding hands though and Im pretty sure Zach was happy about that. Rosie ran to me and pulled me over. "Jack asked me out!" She whisper shouted. "What?!" I screamed a little too loud, it made everyone look at me and Jack smiled. "What did you say?" i asked. "Of course i said yes. Zach hasn't made a move yet." "Um! What about when he fricken kissed you!" "I mean that he hasn't asked me out or anything. Its not like I'm Jacks girlfriend, its just one date." "Whatever. He really likes you." I left her there, she was speechless. "Lets continue our journey!" Hayes yelled. Daniel grabbed my hand which made me smile. I saw Zach grab Rosie's hand but she pulled it away and walked over to Edwin and Hayes. 

         "Wanna stop for lunch?" Edwin asked. "Duh!" Zach yelled. Rosie giggled but tried to hide it. Me and Daniel went into McDonalds and we got out our money. "Put it away. Im paying for you." Daniel said. "Are you sure?" "Yes, positive." "Thank you. Its weird just us here, they are so weird not to want McDonalds." "Yeah, its kinda like our first date." Then he went to order. Did he just say that?

*Rosie POV*

           While Grace and Daniel went to McDonalds, I wanted to go to Wendy's and Jack, Edwin, Hayes and Zach followed me. It was right next door so it worked out. "What are you gonna get?" Zach asked me. "Chicken nuggets and fries, like always." He laughed and took the money out of my hand and put it in my purse. "Zach? What was that?" "No lady should have to pay." Jack came up from behind me and told the lady his order, then mine. Zach looked down, I felt bad. "Thanks anyway Zachy!" I said and kissed his cheek which made him perk up. Jack gave me my food and we went to get a booth and pulled up a chair. Jack sat across from me and started playing footsie with me, Zach came and sat next to me. Edwin sat across from him and Hayes sat on the chair. I put my hand on the booth and was inching it closer to Zach's. He looked down and moved his hand closer to mine until they were touching. He went back to talking to Edwin and Hayes. "So Jack." I said. "So Rosie." "Thanks for buying my food, you didn't have to. And how did you know my order anyway?" "I remember you telling your brother that if he went to Wendy's to get that." He pointed to my food. "Oh, yeah." "Give me your hand." "Um ok?" We started holding hands across the table and I had no free hand to eat. I pulled my hand from Zach and he looked over to see me and jack holding hands. He got up and went to the bathroom. 

         "Excuse me. I have to go pee." I said. "TMI." Edwin said. I walked to the bathroom and saw Zach standing at the door. He crossed his arms and turned around. "Why are you out here?" I asked. "Theres someone in there." "Oh, listen Zach Im sorry." "For what?" "I don't know. You seem mad. Its just that I like you--" "But also Jack, I know." "But he asked me out and I said yes, Its just that you didn't make a move--" "I kissed you. Is that not enough?" "It was only one time, I don't know Zach." All of the sudden he grabbed my waist and kissed me again, I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. "Rosie?" I turned and saw Grace. 

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