Chapter 13

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*Rosie POV*

          Zach kissed me back, but then pulled away. He got up and whispered in Edwin's ear but then left. Edwin moved into his seat and looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, Zach just went to the bathroom." "Oh ok." The next scene was a doll singing or something. I could hear Grace and Daniel laughing, but I was scared. The doll jumped at the camera and I grabbed Dylan's hand and put my head in his shoulder. "Its okay Rosie." "Im going to the lobby, ill be back soon." He let go of my hand and  walked out the doors. 

*Grace POV*

         "This movie is so stupid." i said as I was laughing. "Don't make fun!" Daniel said. "Haha." "Tomorrow we are finally going to San Francisco." "Yes! Well, don't you mean today? Its like 1:00?" "Oh yeah, duh." "I hope I sit next to you on the plane, and we are roomies again." "Me too, but they usually change up the rooms all the time, you know. So people can meet different people." "Oh yeah, true." I looked over and Rosie and Zach were gone. "Hey Dylan!" I said tapping on his shoulder. "Yes?" He said as he looked at me. "Where are Rosie and Zach?" "Rosie was too scared so she is in the lobby and Zach is in the bathroom, i think." "Okay, thanks." He smiled and continued to watch the movie. 

*Rosie POV*

           I walked into the lobby and saw Jack and Jack? With two girls? I walked over to them and grabbed Johnson's hand. "Oh hey Rose!" I sarcastically smiled at him. "Whats your problem?" "Who's those girls Jack!" "The one with black hair is Madison, G's girlfriend, I guess. And the other one is her friend." For some reason I was jealous. "So its a double date then?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Yeah, but its not like were official or anything, we went on one date." The other girl started to look over at us and right when she did I kissed Jack, he kissed back but only for a second then walked back to the group. The girl took his hand and jack gave me a sincere look. 

*Grace POV*

         We got Rosie and Edwin found Zach and we loaded into the van. I sat next to Daniel and we started talking about how he was going to try and get me to sing on stage with him. I looked back for a split second and saw that Zach was upset, Im guessing Edwin was trying to cheer him up. I just ignored it and went back to talking to Daniel. 

*Zach POV*

         "Dude! I like her, but I can't be with a girl like her." i said looking at Rosie and Dylan flirting. "Why?" Edwin asked. "She likes everyone she talks to." "What are you saying she is then? Use your anger Zachy!" He screamed a little too loudly. "A slut! Rosie is a slut!" I may have said it a little too loud and everyone looked at me. Rosie had tears starting to come out of her eyes, I just looked down and started fidgeting with my hands. I saw Dylan wipe away the tear and pull her into a hug, he was shaking his head at me. 

At Hotel

       We all got out of the van and Rosie ran to the elevators. I ran after her even though Edwin and Dylan said not to but, Grace yelled go get her. I caught up with her and right as the elevator opened i pushed her in with me. She looked at the wall. "Rosie? Please, Im sorry. Its just that you flirt with everyone, and you can't see that I like you." "I just freaking meet you like a week ago." She yelled still looking at the wall. "Sometimes thats all it takes." "Im staying in Jack's room tonight." She walked out right as the door opened. She walked into our room and started packing her clothes. "Im sorry, really, really sorry." "Yep. Bye." And she was gone. 

*Grace POV*

            "When we get to the room wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" Daniel asked me. "Didn't we just watch a movie?" "Well yeah, but still..." "Id love to." I said and kissed him then grabbed his hand. We walked up to the room and I saw my sister crying and walking down the hall my way. I was gonna go talk to her but Daniel grabbed my arm. "Let me, I have to get to know her anyway." I smiled and he walked up to her.

*Daniel POV*

           "Hey Rosie. You ok?" I asked. "N-no." She said between sobs. "Is it because of what Zach said?" "Yeah, I thought he liked me." I pulled her into a hug and saw Grace smiling. She really is a great person. "Where are you going?" "Im spending the night in Jacks room." "You could always come watch movies with me and your sister." "No, Ill give you some alone time." She said with a smirk not crying anymore. She walked away and hugged her sister then went to Jacks room. "Thanks Danny Boy!" She said grabbing my hand. "No problem Gracypoo." I kissed her nose and we walked into our room. 

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