Chapter 34

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*Rosie POV*

        "Cameron!" I yelled chasing him. "I have a meet and greet! What!" He screamed from the doorway. "I want to take a picture." He smiled and walked over to me. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of us both smiling. "I love your sweatshirt." He said. "Its all the things I love, except for Dylan but you know." He laughed and walked into the meet and greet area. I walked into Daniel's line and saw Grace in Christian DelGrosso's. It was my turn next and he smiled at me. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to a bitch freak. "Why did he just smile at you?" She asked, snotty. "Because I know him, I was on tour with him for a while." She just faked smiled at me and I saw Kian two people behind her. "Kian! How did you get in here?!" I yelled to him and he just smiled. 

      "Next." Daniel said and I walked over to him. He hugged me really tight and I hugged back tighter. "I miss you on tour." I said and he nodded. "I loved when we hung out." "Me too. We have to do it again." "Maybe with your sister?" "Did you two make up?!" I said a little two loudly. "We kinda are back together, not really though. I think she said she loves me and Ive always loved her too." I screamed and he just smiled. He looked over at her and so did I, she was talking to Ricky in line. I hugged him one last time and pointed to Kian, he laughed. "Text me later." He whispered and I nodded. Next I went to Jacob's line, his was probably the shortest, but still pretty long. I didn't even notice I was next until the security guy told me. Jacob waved me over and I ran to him, he picked me up and spinned me. "Im sorry we didn't get too close over tour." He said. "Me too, but you helped my sister. So your automatically on my good side." He smiled showing his braces. "Some of these girls are bitchy." I said and he nodded, laughing. "Let me sign something so it's like your actually a fan." I nodded and made him sign the back of my sweater. 

          I waved to him and stood back, deciding where to go next. I could go to Cameron but I already had time with him. I think Ill go to Aaron carpenter, Cam said he is like his best friend. I walked to his line and he was right next to Cameron. I put my headphones on because this was the longest line, people kept filing in. I was finally up, just another girl in front of me and she took forever with him. Then he waved me over and smiled, I don't think he knows who I am. "I love your sweater, did you show cameron yet?" He said and without me answering he called Cam. "Cameron! Look at this girl's sweater! Its amazing!" He yelled and Cameron smiled at me. "Yeah, Ive seen it and take care of her. She's my best friend." "I thought I was your best friend!" "I meant girl best friend!" I started laughing and Aaron looked at me. "Is he being serious or joking?" "No, I met him on DIGI. My name is Rosie Lawley." His eyes grew wide. "No way! In the flesh! Cam talks about you a lot." "Oh he does, all good things I hope." He nodded. 

            "Have Cameron give you my number, you seem good. And we will try to find a schedule for when we get to talk to him." i nodded and laughed. He hugged me and then I went to go find Dylan.

*Grace POV*

            I went to Christian, Cameron, Aaron and Taylor. I want to go to Jacob but I don't know if I should. Ill just do it anyway, his line isn't very long. I walked into the line and someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Olivia, from the mall. I smiled and hugged her really tight. We pulled away and she was still smiling. "Have you texted Mark?" i asked and she nodded. "Like everyday." "He's around here somewhere, I just don't know where. If you stick with me we will go find him." She nodded and we just talked till it was my turn. "Hey Jacob." I said as he hugged me. "Hows tour?" I asked him. "Fun. Same as DIGI." "Is something wrong?" "No, Im fine." "Are you sure? You don't seem fine." "I saw you and Daniel kissing and you know it kinda hurt. I was there when he cheated, I remember how it hurt you." "I know but he's different now." "Yeah I know and he's a nice guy. Just don't get hurt again." I hugged him again and stepped aside so Olivia could talk to him. 

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