Chapter 9

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*Rosie POV*


       Me and Grace were in my room getting ready for our dates. Zach left and went to Edwin's room. I was happy but also I kind of want to be with Zach instead. Grace was looking at herself in the mirror. She left her hair natural and put a white bandana in it, she's wearing a mint green skirt with a white crop top. I didn't know where Jack was taking me but I straightened my hair and am wearing a blue dress. "You ready?" She asked. "Kind of. You?" "Of course! Which one are you gonna choose? Zach or Jack?" "Neither." She just stared at me and there was a knock. I ran to open it but it was Zach. He looked me up and down then jumped on the bed and turned on the TV. "Why did you knock? Isn't this your room?" Grace asked. "Yeah, but I didn't know if you were decent." "You left your key again, didn't you?" He smiled but didn't answer. Then another knock, I opened the door to Jack. "Ready?" He asked. "Yep! Bye Grace! Bye Zach!" I grabbed my purse and we left. "Where are we going anyway?" "Just a restaurant." I smiled and he grabbed my hand.

*Grace POV*

          "Mind if I watch TV with you till Daniel gets here?" I asked Zach. He nodded and I sat next to him. "I really like Rosie." "I know Zach." "Did she tell you who she's gonna choose?" He looked out the window. "Um, she said, uh, neither of you." "Shit." "I know, I'm sorry." "I think Edwin likes her, I don't want them to date." "Why?" "He gets all the girls." I whispered oh and then Daniel walked in. "Ready?" "You betcha!" We laughed and then left. "Whats the plan?" I asked. "Well, we are going to a nice dinner, then probably a walk on the beach. After all it is our second date." "What? Did I miss something?" "McDonalds? Ring a bell?" "Oh yeah." We both started laughing, this will be fun.

*Zach POV*

        I called Edwin and Nick in the room, Timmy and Rudan are out somewhere. "Yo Zach!" Nick yelled. "Hey guys!" I said. They sat on the bed and just started talking. "How's things with Rosie?" Nick asked pushing me, which caused me to blush and smile. Edwin looked down but then smiled. "Not good. She's on her date with Johnson, and Grace said that she doesn't want to date either of us. Soooo..." Edwin's face lit up but then turned sincere. Nick patted my shoulder. "It'll be ok, buddy." Nick said. "You guys would never date her right?" I said looking at Edwin. "Well..." Nick said. "Nick! Really?!" "Sorry bro. But I kinda think Grace is my real bae." I laughed. "Edwin?" "I don't know bro. It depends if we get close enough." "Fine, but Grace said she has some trouble getting close to people sometimes." "Can we stay the night in here?" "Yeah, of course. Im sure Rose won't mind." "She might spend the night in Jacks room." Nick said laughing but I punched his arm and he shut up. 

Two hours later

*Rosie POV*

     I was walking to my room with Jack, I had a really good time. "This is my room." "Bye. I had fun tonight." "Me too." He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and we both smiled. He walked away and I waved. I saw Grace and ran to her. "Anything happen?" She started smiling, like, really big. "He, uh, kissed me!" I screamed and she flicked me in the forehead. "I have to go, but details later." I ran to my room and opened it to three boys sitting on the ground. "Hey guys." I ran to Nick and sat between him and Zach. "What are we watching?" "Horror movie." Nick answered. "Oh no!" I said. "Come here, Ill protect you." Edwin said. "Fineeee." I crawled over Nick and sat between them both. Edwin grabbed my hand and I put my head in his shoulder.

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