Chapter 50

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*Rosie POV*

           Me and Dylan just called everyone to Dylan and Hayes's room. They are all mostly confused but we just told them we are having a game night. "We here!" Zach yelled with Rudan, Weston, Blake, Bella, Jacob, Daniel and Grace. Soon enough everyone was here. "Where's Jack and Jack?" Grace asked. "You didn't hear?" Cam asked and she shook her head. "They are leaving to go on their own tour." "When?" I asked. "Tomorrow I think." I nodded. Mental note: Say bye to them. "Ok are we playing games or what?" Blake asked. He was sitting next to Bella and Mark. I looked at Dylan and he nodded, we stood up and everyone exchanged weird looks. 

        "Me and Dylan have an announcement." I said. "Please don't be pregnant." Taylor said. Everyone laughed except for me. "You are?!" He yelled again. "No!" I yelled while laughing. Then Dylan took my hand. "Me and Dylan are dating again." I said and he kissed my forehead. "No! Really!" Cam said sarcastically. "You know?" I asked. "Dylan told us the night it happened." Rudan added. "Um, I didn't know." Zach added. "Really Dylan!" I said and hit his arm. "Sorry, it just kind of happened." He said. "I was with you the whole night. When did you tell them?" "OOO!" Taylor yelled and everyone else laughed with him. "Oh shut it Taylor! We all know your not a virgin either!" Right when I said that I covered my mouth and turned around. "What! Holy shit this is juicy!" Aaron said. 

           I could feel my face was bright red and I could feel it heating up and getting redder. "Im telling mom and Kian!" Grace yelled. I turned around and she was laughing. "Grace! Stop!" I yelled, she started running and I chased her. I tackled her but then she got up and leaned against the wall. "Please, that was so embarrassing." I said. "Your not a virgin?" I shook my head and looked at a painting on the wall. "Are you?" I asked. "I will not say." She started running again and the boys were walking to elevators. "We are going to the mall, to have a small meet and greet again." Cam said. I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand. 

*Grace POV*

           Once we got to the mall there were already a lot of girls waiting. I grabbed Daniel's hand and we all walked out of the van. We passed a bunch of fans and I looked at one of the posters. It was of me and Jacob that said 'Jace 4 Life.' Daniel gripped my hand tighter and then all of us stopped walking. Rosie, Bella and I stood away and got Starbucks. "This is for you." A girl said and handed me the poster. "Thanks." She nodded and ran off to her friends. "What does it say?" Rosie asked. "Jace for life." I rolled my eyes and Rosie and Bella laughed. All of a sudden, right when we sat down everyone started chanting 'Jace.'  I stood up and walked over to Daniel. "Sorry." I said. "Its not your fault." 

          At the hotel we started looking at twitter and the hashtag #JaceNotGaniel was trending. We were looking at some of the tweets and one of them said 'Why is Grace Lawley with Daniel! I ship Jace! Poor Jacob! #JaceNotGaniel.' It was from SpirtLOL, I clicked on her profile and started "stalking" her. Then Jacob tweeted, great.... 'Hey cuties! You can't keep doing this, leave her alone. Lets try to get #Ganiel trending! Love you guys!' I smiled and gave Jacob a thumbs up. Then Bella showed him something and they started laughing. I took a picture and decided to get a new hashtag going. 'HeY! I know you guys want #Jace but seriously who doesn't want #Jella after seeing Bella and Jacob together! <3' 

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