Chapter 22

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*Rosie POV*

Dylan and I just got back to the hotel holding hands. I saw Jack and Jack in the lobby and hid behind Dylan. Jack already saw me and walked over. "I'm going back to the room, come up soon." He kissed me and left. "Hey Rosie." Johnson said. "Hello, Jack." I looked down. He lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry about what happened. I see you've moved on though." He said pointing to the elevators where Dylan just was. "I forgive you. It just really hurt Jack, I really liked you, like a lot." I looked down again. "It's just that you liked Zach a lot too, I could tell. And we only went on one date." I nodded my head. "I forgive you." I said and he smiled. "Hug?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, he put his arms around my waist and we just stood like that. He walked back over to Gilinsky and I just stood there smiling. Johnson looked over and saw me smiling, he smiled back.

I walked back up to the room and ran to Dylan. He picked me up and I squealed. He then put me down and kissed my forehead. "Get to bed, its late." He said and i nodded. "Goodnight Dyl Dyl." He laughed. "Night babe." I crawled into bed and fell right asleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock it was only 2 in the morning. I only slept for like three hours then woke up. I decided since I was up id wake Dylan. I jumped on him and he started moving around. "Dylan! Get up! I wanna go watch the sunrise!" He opened his eyes and smiled at me. He pulled me down and kissed my nose. "No." He whispered in my ear. I hit his arm and then locked his nose. "Eww! Why did you do that!" He yelled pushing me off the bed. "I'm leaving to watch the sunrise." I said and went to put some shorts and a t shirt on. "No you can't go by yourself, I'm coming." i smiled and dragged him out of bed. He only had boxers on. "Get dressed!" He just put on shirts and a shirt on too. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the lobby.

We went to this one park and say on the ground. He put his arm around my shoulder and I put my head in the crook of his neck. He kissed my head and we just sat there. No allying just watching.

*Grace POV*

Jacob woke me up by shaking me. "No! One more minute!" i said. "Lets go, i have something planned." I got up and looked at the clock it said 9:00, too early! I got dressed and waited for Jacob. We went to the lobby place to eat. "I'm getting pancakes." Jacob said and ordered. "I want blueberry pancakes." I said and he ordered for me. After we ate he grabbed my hand and ran with me out the door. We saw Dylan and Rosie walking towards the hotel holding hands. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey! Where are you two off to?" Rosie asked. "We are going skateboarding." Jacob said, I looked at him with wide eyes and he laughed. "Grace is actually kinda good at it, but she falls a lot." Rosie said, Jacob laughed. "Where are you guys coming from?" I asked. "We went to watch the sunrise then just walked around." Dylan said and Rosie nodded. They walked into the hotel and we continued walking. "We are going to the board walk." Jacob said. "We will rent skateboards." I nodded and took his hand.

When we got there and got our skateboards we started skating down the boardwalk. "Give me your hand." Jacob said reaching his hand to me. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

Love at First DIGI *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now