Chapter 51

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*Rosie POV*

        "How would you feel coming home with me this week?" Dylan asked me as I walked into his room. My jaw dropped. "What?" I asked. He embraced me in a hug from behind. "Wanna come meet my family?" "Dylan, is it too soon?" "No, I can't be away from you for this week. Just come they will love you." "Id have to ask my mom. Dylan this is scary." "Its only Louisiana. Just come!" He kissed me and I nodded. "Let me call my mom, ok?" He nodded and I stepped out and dialed her number.

*Grace POV*

           "Grace!" Daniel yelled over the phone once I answered. "Hey! Whats up?" "I was actually wondering if you'd like to come to Florida with me." "When?" "Tomorrow when we leave." "Sure, id love to! I will call my mom then text you what she says." "Okay. Love you." "Love you too." I hung up and screamed. "What the fuck!" Bella yelled back at me. "Daniel asked me to go home with him!" I called my mom. "Hey honey, I just got off the phone with your sister. Whats up?" She said. "Can I go to Florida with Daniel?" "Sure. Your sister just asked me to go home with Dylan too. Ill get your flight ready and stuff. Call Kian and no funny business will be happening i hope?" "No mom." "Bye, love you." "Love you too." "Call Kian!" She yelled before I hung up.

*Rosie POV*


        "My mom told me she got us a cab. The house is like ten minutes away." Dylan said and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead. "Shell love you." He assured. We walked to the cab and the man put the music on. I put my head on Dylan's shoulder and started mentally thinking what his mom would think of me. "We are here!" He yelled. We got our luggage and walked to the front door. "Im scared." I said and pulled him from walking inside. "You'll be fine. They will love you." "Dylan..." The he kissed me, I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms on my waist. Then the door opened, we both quickly pulled away and his mom was giving us a 'look.' 

           "Theres my boy!" She said and gave him a big hug. "Hey mom, i missed you." I just stood there awkwardly. "Mom, this is Rosie. My girlfriend." She lightly smiled at me and I smiled back. "Im Laurie." Then she hugged me and Dylan was smiling. "Thanks for making my boy happy." She whispered and I smiled. "Dylan!" I heard a girl yell from upstairs. "Allie!" He yelled and ran to her. She was so cute. "Who's that?" She whispered but I could hear. "That is Rosie, she's one of my best friends." He answered. She looked at me and dragged me upstairs. Dylan laughed and I just ran with her.

*Grace POV*


         "Theres my mom!" Daniel yelled and pulled me with him. Who I'm guessing was his mom was with a little girl. His sister Becca. "Hey mom!" He said and hugged her. "Mom, this is Grace." He said then went to hug his sister. "Hi Grace, nice to meet you. Im excited to spend the week with you. Ive heard so much about you, you are something special to him." I blushed and said 'thank you.' When we got to his house three boys walked out of his house. I grabbed my luggage and he was waiting to introduce me. "Guys this is Grace. Grace this is Robert, JJ, and JoJo, you already know Bec." I nodded, I gave each of them a hug and then we walked inside. 

       "You can either sleep in Bec's room or the guest bedroom." He said. "Ill sleep in the guest bedroom." "Good, thats the one closest to mine." He said and smiled. "Dinner is at seven, Grace make yourself at home." "Thank you." I walked up the steps and found the guest room. I unpacked then flopped onto the bed, I started smiling so big. Then my phone ringed. "Hey Rosebud!" I said. "Hey Gracie!" "Hows Dylan's house?" I asked. "Good, his family is so nice. And Daniel's?" "Amazing, Im so happy." "Me too. Oh I gotta go, we are going shopping!" She sounded happy and I laughed. "Have fun sis. Ill talk to you later. Love ya." "Love ya too! Have fun! Bye!" She hung up and i went back to smiling again.

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