Chapter 39

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*Rosie POV*

          We haven't told any of the boys, except Kian, we are going to MagCon. Grace didn't want to tell Daniel even. Right now me and Grace are packing. "So? Are you gonna have Crawf come to the airport?" She asked me. "Maybe." She smiled and lightly shoved me. "I bet Daniel will be so happy that you will be with him again." "Yeah, I know I will." "So, do you love him?" "Yeah, I actually do. And it sucks that we aren't together." "But you will be soon." She smiled and blushed. "Have you talked to Dylan lately?" She asked. "No, and I don't plan to." She laughed and zipped up her suitcase. "I cant zip it!" I yelled trying to close it. "Ill sit on it while you zip." She said as she got on top of it, I started zipping and it worked.

        "Guys! Lets go!" My mom yelled to us, Grace ran downstairs, without her suitcase. I picked up hers and mine, it was pretty hard getting down the stairs but I made it work. "Thanks for making me carry this." I said to her when I saw her at the door. "I'm gonna go get Chris and Crawf!" She yelled and skipped to their house. "I'm gonna miss you." My mom said as she hugged me. "Ill miss you too. Ill call you when we get there." "Yeah, you better. How's Dylan?" "Yeah, I don't know. We are kind of on a break but I think we will be ok." "How's Gracie doing about that Daniel character?" I laughed and she glared at me. "They made up, and will be getting back together. I know that." She smiled and then Grace came into view with Crawf.

       "Ill get your suitcases. Just get into the car." Mom said and I ran to Grace. "Where's Chris?" I asked. "He's with his friends." Crawf answered. I nodded and walked to the car, me and Crawf sat in the back while Grace sat in the front with mom. "I'm really gonna miss you." He said as we pulled out of the driveway. "I'm surprised you and Chris aren't invited, you have so many people that watch your videos." "Yeah but you and your family is just funnier and with Kian, crazier." I nodded and laughed. I looked down and saw Crawford's hand inching near mine. I smiled and looked out the window. His hand touched mine and I intertwined our hands together. I looked at him and we both smiled.

       When we finally got to the airport I let go of Crawf's hand and went to get my luggage. Grace got hers and we walked to the couches. I sat next to Crawf and Grace, mom sat next to Grace. "I'm so excited!" I said. "Me too! It will be great!" Grace said. Then Crawford took my hand again, I smiled at him. "Flight 56 to New York City now boarding!" The announcement said. I looked at Grace and we both nodded. I stood up, still holding his hand and he stood up too. I gave him a big hug and pulled away, I looked behind me to see my mom and Grace talking. I looked back at Crawf and smiled. "I kinda like you." He said and looked down. I lifted up his chin and kissed him, he kissed back and I pulled away smiling.

           I walked to my mom and Grace went to Crawford. I hugged her and she started squeezing the life out of me. "I love you. Don't forget that. Call me a lot. And, Ill miss you." She said. "I love you too, don't forget that. I will call you. And, Ill miss you too." She smiled. "Lets go Rose." Grace said and I nodded. I gave Crawf a quick kiss on the cheek then started walking towards our gate. "I will be stalking your Instagrams!" My mom yelled and we laughed.


       Once we arrived I texted mom, Julia, and Crawf. Grace texted Kian, Sarah, and Chris. I saw a tall black guy with a sign that said, 'Lawley.' I showed Grace and we ran to him. "I'm Rosie Lawley and this is Grace Lawley." I said and he nodded. "Follow me." He said. We wheeled our suitcases to a limo and he put our stuff in the trunk. I opened the door and let Grace go in, then I followed. We arrived at a huge hotel. We both stepped out and smiled. "I've got your suitcases. Go to the lobby guy and check in." He said and we nodded. Once we walked in both of our jaws dropped, it was beautiful. I saw Dylan but ignored it. He was with Cameron and Aaron. "Daniel is right there! With Jacob!" Grace whisper screamed as she pointed to them.

      After we checked in I ran to Cameron. Grace went up to the room to unpack, she might be nervous. I jumped on Cam's back and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who!" I said, he started laughing. "I know that high, perky voice anywhere. And I saw you come in, hey Rosie." He said and I got down and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" Aaron asked, Dylan just stared at me. "Me and Grace joined tour." "No way!" Cam yelled and hugged me again. I hugged Aaron and then smiled at Dylan, he grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

       "Let me go." I said and pulled my arm away. "I've missed you." He said. "Really? Your going to act like nothing happened?" "No, but I just missed you." "Well, I've missed you too." He hugged me and I pulled away fast, just so I could kiss him. He kissed back and smiled into it. "So are we together or not?" He asked. I just smiled and kissed him again.

*Grace POV*

         As I was unpacking someone was knocking at the door. I walked over to it and opened it. "Daniel? Hey!" I said as he hugged me. "Don't freak out, I didn't stalk you. Rosie told me the room number and she's visiting with everyone. Like you should be doing too." "I know I just want to unpack." He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close. "We are going out to dinner tonight. A lot of newbies are coming and Bart wants everyone to meet." I nodded and he kissed me. "Daniel, I love you." He smiled and kissed me again. "I know. But I love you too." Then we kissed again.

          "So, um, we aren't official right now." He added. "And?" I asked. "Do you want to be?" I nodded and then he kissed me, again. "So were official again?" He asked. "I guess so. Just please, no cheating this time." "Oh about that!" He said as he was pulling something out of his pocket. "What is going on?" Then he got down on one knee. "Woah! Daniel too early!" I said and he laughed. He showed me a ring. "This is a promise ring. I promise to always be there for you. I promise not to cheat ever again. I promise to be the one for you and when we are ready to make this into an engagement ring." I started to tear up, he stood up and placed the ring on my finger.

          "I love you." I said and kissed him. "I love you too."

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