Chapter 28

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*Rosie POV*

             Me and Daniel were still hanging out, we were just walking through the streets. "So um how's Grace?" He asked. "She's good, she was really upset at first but then Jacob helped her." He nodded. "Wanna go in a store?" I asked pointing to the little corner store. "Yes." He grabbed my hand and started running with me down to the store. When we got to the store he didn't let go of my hand. I pulled it away and walked around. My phone started buzzing again, it was Dylan. "What Dylan." I said annoyed. "Now is that anyway to talk to your boyfriend." He said and laughed. "Sorry but what do you want?" "Come back, we miss you. Me especially, just hurry." "I'm having fun. I'll talk to you later." I hung up before he could respond.

*Grace POV*

               Rosie and Daniel are still gone. Jacob and I are watching a movie and he fell asleep. His phone buzzed and I decided to see what it was. It was a text from Bart? It had flight information for tomorrow afternoon to go on MagCon? I shook Jacob awake. "What is it?" He said rubbing his eyes. "What is this about going on magcon and flight information." "Oh um yeah. I got invited to MAGCON." "And you didn't tell me! Or anyone! This flight is for tomorrow! You didn't think to tell me!" I yelled. "I'm sorry Grace, but it's a good opportunity and I'm going." "So your just gonna drop everything here and leave?" "I'm sorry." "Me too." I whispered and left. I started crying and Weston and Mark started walking over to me. Mark wrapped me in a hug. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Jacobs leaving to go to MAGCON and didn't tell me, he's literally leaving tomorrow." "He's just Hollywood, but don't worry. He will probably never forget about you." I smiled and walked to my sisters room. I knocked and Dylan came to the door, he was frowning. "I thought you were Rosie." He said and sat on his bed. "Oh she's not back?" He shook his head. "Jacobs leaving and I wanted to talk to her." "I don't know where she is. You can wait here with me." I nodded and sat on my sisters bed.

*Rosie POV*

              Me and Daniel were walking back to the hotel. "I'm glad we hung out, I had fun." I said. "Me too, maybe we could do it again." "I don't know, maybe." He nodded and looked at his phone which was lit up, he smiled. "My flight information is here, I leave tomorrow." He said smiling big. "That's great! I'm so happy for you!" I said and hugged him, he hugged me back. "Well I'm gonna go." He said and pulled away. He walked to the elevators and waved, I waved back and he went into the elevator. Jack J walked out of the elevator and was about to pass me but I grabbed his arm. "Woah! Hey!" He said and hugged me. "Where is Johnson going?" I asked him and he smiled. "On a date." "Oh...that's cool." He smiled again and kissed my cheek, then left. I walked up to my room and opened the door. Dylan and my sister were both asleep, I walked over to Dylan and kissed his lips. He pulled me onto the bed and hugged me. "We missed you." He said. "I know I missed you too." "Grace wanted to talk to you." He said and pointed to her, she looked so peaceful. "I'm not gonna wake her up, she looks so peaceful. It's a first, but I'm gonna go to bed now. I love you." "I love you too Rosie."

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