Chapter 58

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*Grace POV*

           "Daniel, just stop! I know you want to see everyone! So do I, all I've been hearing is you telling me how much you wanna see them. Stop, ok." I said and walked fastly into the hotel lobby. I saw Rosie, Hunter and Bella at the elevators. "Guys!" I yelled and ran to them. "Rosie, you nose?" I asked and she covered it with her hand. "She fell." Hunter said and put his hand on her waist. "I missed you." Bella said and hugged me. Then we got into the elevator and went to Rosie's floor, I think. "Where's Dylan?" I whispered in Bel's ear. "You know, out with the boys. She fell and he left her there..." I nodded and then we got to her room. 

             "Can you get me a tissue Hunter?" She asked as she sat on the bed. He ran to get her a tissue and once he found it he sprinted to give it to her. She started to blot her nose and was disgusted by all the blood. "Wait! Where's Danny?" Bella asked. "I left him, he was annoying me." She started laughing. "Rosie?" Dylan asked as he walked into the room, we all turned our attention to him. He gave me a quick hug then sat next to his girlfriend. "We should leave them." Bella whispered. We all back slowly out of the room. "Is she mad at him?" I asked, confused. "Well, he did ditch her on the sidewalk when she fell. It was a dick move." I nodded and pressed my ear against the door.

*Rosie POV*

           "Sorry I left you there." He said. Does he think I'm mad at him? Thats funny. I started laughing and he gave me a questioning look. "Im not mad at you, don't be sorry. I wanted to be alone. Its fine." "But you were with Hunter." "Dylan." I said, laughing. He just stared at me with a straight face, no emotion so I stopped laughing. "Why? Are you jealous?" I asked and stood up, keeping the tissue on my nose. "Rose, you know what happened before with him." "Oh my gosh." I was fake laughing. Why is he bringing this up! "Really Dylan!" "Zach was right that one time, you do flirt with every boy. Even if yo have a boyfriend who you claim to love." He did not just say that! I then lifted up my hand and smacked him right across the face. 

           "I can't believe you said that." I said, choking back my tears. "Well is it true?" "Really? That might be one of the stupidest questions you've ever asked me." "Is it!" "Dylan. I do love you! Don't be an idiot!" "Well if you go and flirt with every boy how am I supposed to know! Why do you think I walked over to you while you were talking to Zach!" "Your saying you don't trust me?" "How could I!" "Thats what love is! Trusting people!" "maybe you should go be with Zach or Hunter, who actually trust you. At least in your mind they do!" "You know what! Maybe I will!" No! I didn't just say that! I love you Dylan! I love you! Was all I wanted to say, but it didn't come out. I sat down, tears streaming down my face. Then he sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "Did we just break up?" Dylan asked me. No, I love you. "Yeah, I think we did." I said. 

*Bella POV*

          We were just listening to Dylan and Rosie fight. I swear if they broke up...Im gonna die. "Shit, I hope that wasn't about me." Hunter said. "Too bad, it was only about you." Grace said and she sat down in front of the door. "Grace! There you are!" Daniel yelled, he helped her up and they walked away. "Should I go in there? Is it safe?" Hunter asked. "I don't know yet." Then the door opened. A sad Dylan walked out with a couple tears running down his face. "Im going in." I said and he followed. There she was, she looked broken. Her face was in her hands, all you could hear was her sobbing. Hunter sat next to her and she started to cry into his chest. 

         "I love him." She said. "I know hun, I know." Hunter said and rubbed her back. "We will always be here for you." I said and she looked up. Her makeup was running down her face, her nose was still bleeding. I walked over and made her stand up so I could hug her. "I love you Bel." She said. "I love you too Rose." Then I grabbed her face in my hands, grabbed a tissue and rubbed all the makeup away. "Your so beautiful." Hunter said. I smiled and could see that Rose was trying not to, but I saw a little smile in the corner of her mouth. "Don't be here with me. Promise me that you will go get Jacob or Blake. You deserve it, just go." She said and pushed me out of the room, leaving her alone with Hunter.

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