Chapter 49

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*Rosie POV*

         I walked to Dylan's room. Debating if I should tell him about Hunter. I stood at his door, not wanting to knock. Then the door opened. "Hayes!" I said, he smiled. "Hey! How's my sunshine?" "Um...could be better." "Oh. Well, your probably here for Dylan. He is in the shower, just wait a little." I nodded. He hugged me and walked away. I sat on a bed and watched what was on the television. I heard the water stop so I stood up. He opened the door with no clothes on. I covered my eyes. "Dylan!" I yelled. "Sorry! I thought no one was gonna be in here! Hayes said he was leaving!" I laughed. "I have a towel on." I uncovered my eyes and he smiled. "What's up?" He asked and started to get dressed. "Nothing, just didn't start the day off well." "You started it off with me though!" He said and looked offended.

          "No. After I left." Should I tell him? I don't think so. He'd kill Hunter. "What happened?" He sat next to me. "Um, well you know how no one knows we are back together?" He nodded. "Um, well, um, I was walking back to my room and um, so, Hunter started walking with me. We were uh, having a nice talk but, he, uh, um, he kind of tried to kiss me. Actually, he did kiss me. I didn't kiss back! I really didn't!" He just stood up and ran his hand through his hair. "I know you wouldn't kiss back." I stood upend pulled him into a hug. "I think we should tell everyone we are dating again." He said. I nodded and kissed him.

*Bella POV*

         "Are you friends with Jacob?" I asked Taylor. "Yeah, he's a cool kid." I nodded. "Why? You like him?" He started smirking. "Well, he's kinda cute. But so is Blake." He laughed. "Its funny. Jacob asked me if I knew anything about you." "And? What did you say?" "I said you were friends with Grace and Rose." I nodded. "He thinks your pretty, thats all I'm saying." "What about Blake?" "I haven't really talked to him that much." "Yeah. Grace said he mostly hangs with Weston, Mark and Hunter." "Just inch your way closer to him." "Will do." He laughed and we kept walking through the mall. 

          I suddenly heard screams, all at once. I turned around and saw a bunch of girls. "Taylor! What the heck!" I said. "I may have leaked our location on the Instagram picture I posted. Sorry." I walked away and sat on a bench playing on my phone while he was talking to the girls. "Can I have a picture?" I looked up and saw Blake. "Blake, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Most of us are here. I just decided to come over here." "Um, ok." He held out his hand and I took it. "Why are you wearing pjs?" He asked while laughing. "Taylor wouldn't let me change." He laughed again. We walked over to the boys, still holding hands. I saw Daniel, Hayes, Mark, Weston, Jack and Jack, all of 5quad, except Zach, no Grace, no Hunter or brandon, no Rosie or Cameron either. 

*Grace POV*

          Grxce- Where are you? Barely anyone is at the hotel.

          Rosie- Dylans room. Come here. Its 4 doors to the right of ours.

         Grxce- Coming. Why are you even there?

         Rosie- Just come!

        I was walking to Dylan's room. I counted four doors and knocked three times. "Come in!" Someone yelled. I opened the door and Rosie was smiling. "Whats going on?" I asked and smiled awkwardly. "We are back together." Rosie said and Dylan nodded. I just stood there. Do I want them to be back together? No. Its just going to end the same way. But, she's my sister, I need to be supportive. "Im so happy for you guys!" I said and hugged them both. I could tell Dylan didn't believe my act. "Rosie? Do you mind going to the vending machine to get me a granola bar?" He asked her. She gave him a weird look both nodded. He gave her a dollar and she left. 

        "I know you don't want us together." He said. "I just don't want it to end the same way it did last time." "It won't. At least I hope not. I was a jerk the first time and I don't expect to be again. I really do love her and she loves me too." "I am of course going to be supportive. She's my sister and I love her. Just don't hurt her." He nodded and she ran back into the room with his granola bar. "Im going to go." I said and left. "Jacob!" I said once I saw him. I haven't really talked to him since the last time... "Hey Grace." "Listen. About the last time-" "You don't have to apologize. You were right." We smiled and I pulled him into a hug.


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