Chapter 53

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*Grace POV*

A Couple Days Later

        I love it here! But I can't wait to go back to tour and see everyone else. "Grace! Start getting packed our flight is tonight at three am." Daniel yelled to me from his room. "I will!" I put my music and started to pack all my clothes. "Can I help you!" Becca yelled and ran into my room. She started dancing and yelling with the lyrics. I started laughing and she was just throwing my clothes all over the room. Daniel walked in and started recording. "Thats going on Snapchat." He said and showed her the video. "Ariel is coming tonight for dinner." He told me, I nodded. "Rosie is calling you." He said and threw me my phone. "Hey." "Hey Grace." "Whats up?" "I don't wanna go back to tour, I wanna stay with Dylan. Tonight we are all going out to dinner and then we leave first thing tomorrow morning." She said. "I leave at three am and Ariel is coming for dinner" "Oh, how is she? Everyone is shipping her and Zach. I don't see it honestly." "You had your chance with him, don't even say that. She's nice though, but I'm gonna go and pack. Ill talk to you later."  hung up and we all started packing again.

*Rosie POV*

            I walked downstairs and peeked into the family room. They were all watching tv and laughing. Dylan spotted me and waved me over. I sat next to his mom and she smiled at me. "This is my last day with you guys for another couple weeks. I don't wanna just sit here and rot!" Dylan yelled and stood up. "What are you thinking of doing?" His mom asked. "We should bake cookies, i want some. And by "we" I mean you guys and I will watch." His mom laughed, she stood up and pulled me up with her. "Dyl stay here with your sisters, we will make some cookies." She said, we walked in the kitchen and started baking. 

*Bella POV*

           "Bella, I am filming a video about which one of my siblings knows me the best. You in?" Crawf asked, I nodded. He got Chris and Kirsten and we went into his filming room. We did his intro and it took us like thirty times to do it and not laugh during it. Then we started pushing each other and Crawf just stood there. "This is my video, stop, seriously." He said. "Okay bossy pants." I said and pinched his cheek. Then my phone rang. "Really Bel!" He said. "Sorry, its Rosie. She has my flight." He nodded and I answered. "Hey, I have your flight. Your still coming right?" She asked. "Yeah, of course." "Okay, I'm gonna tell you your flight fast because my cookies are baking." I nodded, forgetting she couldn't see me. "Its flight number 567 to, uh, to. Dylan! Where are we going!" "Arizona!" "You heard that?" She asked. "Yep, ok see you tomorrow. Five in the morning right?" "Yep, bye." I hung up and we went back to the video.          

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