Chapter 14

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*Rosie POV*

         I was waiting for Jack and Jack to get back while watching TV. I heard the door open but then saw Johnson holding that girls hand, and he started kissing her...I just stood there...shocked. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me. I ran out and he didn't even try to stop me. I ran to my room and Zach was still up watching TV, he jumped up when he saw me crying. "Did I do this to you?" "No." I said and he hugged me. "Jack, he was kissing another girl." "Oh." He pulled away and went back on the bed. I walked over and just stood at the foot of his bed. "What!" He yelled. "Cuddle?" He smiled and patted the bed. I got next to him and we cuddled...sleep took over me.


        "Lets go Zach! Get up! We have to go to the airport!" I yelled to the sleepy boy laying on the bed. "One more minute!" "No!" I was now trying to pull him but it didn't work, he grabbed my waist and pulled me on the bed with him. He kissed my cheek and I got up really fast. "Come on Zach!" "Fine! Im going!" He finally got up and hugged me. "Im really sorry about what I said." "Its fine Zach. Just get dressed." He went to get changed and so did I. I put on my dark blue jeans and my PINK sweater and Timberlands. Zach was finally ready and we walked out of the room together. Daniel and grace were closing the door but before they did Daniel kissed Grace, it made me smile. "Lets go guys!" Daniel yelled. Jack and Jack walked out of their room and Johnson tried to come over to me. Zach stepped in front of me and he walked away. 


       "Lets go over here guys! And get your tickets!" The tall man yelled. Dylan pulled me next to him and my brother, Kian put my arm around me. The man handed out our tickets and they were all out of order. I had ticket S34 and Kian had D56. "I have S34!" I yelled trying to find who I was sitting next to. "I have S36!" I looked over and it was Johnson. Who has S35? "I have S35!" It was Edwin. I walked over to him and he put his arm around my waist. They already took our luggage so we just boarded the plane. Of course Grace and Daniel were next to each other, just their luck. 


              The plane ride was pretty good, Johnson didn't really talk to me. Me and Edwin had some nice conversations and we watched a movie. We are just arriving at the hotel and in the van me and Grace sat with Kian just talking. We sat in a circle on the floor while the man read off the names. "Okay, we are on the fourth floor!" We all nodded. "Here we go! In room 50 we have Timmy and Edwin, room 51 we have Zach and Rudan, room 52 Rosie and Dylan, room 53 Nick and Grace." He cleared his throat and took a sip of water. "Sorry. Room 54 Daniel and Hayes, room 55 Connor and Kian, room 56 JC and Johnson, room 57 Gilinsky and Sam, room 58 Ricky and Trevor. Find your roommate and head up to the room, we have a show tomorrow! Plus Cameron Dallas is joining us and we are meeting up with him at dinner." I found Dylan and he gave me a piggy back ride to our room. This will be fun...

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