Chapter 24

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*Rosie POV*

We all ended up falling asleep during the movie. I woke up to the door opening, I was still holding Weston's and Zach's hand. I looked over and it was Dylan, he was trying to be quiet. I smiled at him as he sat on my bed and turned the tv on, it was really loud and he struggled to find the remote. He finally just came up to the tv and turned it down, I started giggling. He looked over and smiled at me. I tried let go of their hands but Weston gripped tighter. Dylan walked back over to my bed and waved me over. I kissed Weston's head and walked over to Dylan. I crawled intbbo bed with him and he kissed the top of my head. I heard moving around on the ground and saw Weston sit up. Then he stood up and brushed off his clothes. "I'm gonna go." He said pointing to the door. "Ill walk you. But Dylan you better let me back in the room." I said and Dylan smiled. I walked with Weston to his room and then we just stood there. "Thanks for coming. I'm glad were friends." I said. "Thanks for inviting me. And me too." He said and hugged me, I hugged back. He walked into his room and I started walking to my own. As I was walking back to my room someone grabbed m waist and started running. I screamed but then noticed it was just JC. He put me down and kept walking with me. "You scared me!" I said and he laughed. I then saw Kian ahead and ran and jumped on his back. He held me on and started screaming. I was laughing while he was running down the halls. Mark, Weston and Blake walked out of their room and started laughing.

"What is even going on?" Blake asked. We just laughed and Kian stopped moving. "Are you on YouNow?" Mark asked. Blake nodded and i ran to his IPad. "Hi! I'm Rosie Lawley! Follow me! My Instagram is-" Blake covered my mouth with his hand. "No promo." He said laughing. I looked at the comments and they were freaking out, they thought we were dating. Some of them said I'm not good enough and other shit. I kissed Blake's cheek and we both smiled. "Yes, we are dating." I said and we started laughing. "No she's dating me!" Weston yelled and the comments just kept hating. "Um, she better not be dating anyone, except her boyfriend Dylan." Kian said kinda annoyed. "Kian you ruined it." I yelled and we all laughed again. Dylan then walked out of the room with Grace, Jacob and Zach. Jacob, Zach and Dylan ran to me and Blake, probably to be in the broadcast. Everyone started commenting 'Zach!' or 'Jacob we love you!' They all started talking and Dylan grabbed my hand. He smiled and kissed me. In front of all those people. Oh god! We pulled away and I saw Weston walk away. I decided go see what was wrong. I ran after him and finally caught up with him. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing, just that I kinda like you. It's weird seeing you kiss him." I just nodded and walked next to him. "Weston you know I'm 16, right?" I asked him, because he looks like he's 10 or something. "Yeah, I know it's weird." I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Your like the little brother I never had, and also who dosent have a top lip." He just looked at me as I laughed. "Oh your gonna pay for that!" He yelled while he chased me. I ran behind Blake who was still broadcasting. "What is Rosie Lawley doing your wondering? Yeah me too." He said talking to his viewers. "I made fun of Weston's top lip and he's after me." I said and Blake laughed. "The comments are all laughing." Blake said showing me. Weston came into sight and when he saw me he started running. "Bye Blake! Bye Dylan! Blake I've always loved you! Sorry Dylan!" I yelled as I ran, I heard them laughing and Blake yell 'I know.' Weston finally caught me and we both fell. We didnt get up we just laid there.

*Grace POV*

We were just standing there watching Blake broadcast. Jacob was next to me. "Sorry about kissing you. It's just that I thought you liked me." He said. "I do like you! I just got cheated on though." I said looking down. "I'd never hurt you. Just come find me when your ready." He said and walked away. As he was walking i decided I was ready, but only for him. "Wait Jacob!" I yelled and he turned around. I ran to him and he picked me up, we kissed. My legs were in the air and his arms were the only thing holding me up. He put me down not breaking the kiss. "I just got all of that!" Blake yelled. We just looked at each other and smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked over to Blake. I saw Rosie and Weston laying on the ground laughing. The comments were saying 'I ship Wosie,!' and 'Comment 1 if you ship Jace!' Everyone was mostly commenting 1 except for the people who wanted Jacob themselves. "Blake you gotta go get Rosie and Weston. They look so weird over there." I said and he laughed. Dylan looked over at them and he just put his head down. Blake started walking over to them and screamed at them to get up. I just heard them laugh and then saw him fall, I'm guessing Weston tripped him. "I need to join in on this!" Mark yelled. He ran and jumped on Weston. Then Jacob let go of my hand and jumped on Mark. Rosie got up and took Blake's IPad. She started talking to them as Blake got on top of Jacob. They were all screaming. It was so funny, I walked over to my sister and she was filming them. "You guys are so lucky you don't have to deal with this." Rosie said laughing. "Go get Dylan." I whispered to her and she handed me the IPad.

*Rosie POV*

I walked over to Dylan and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and squeezed hard. "Your the best Dylan." I said. "Your the worst."
He said and i hit his arm. "Just joking!" He yelled. "Kiss?" He asked hopefully. "Let me think." I said but he grabbed my waist and kissed me. He pulled away and walked towards Zach who was talking to my brother. "Your the best!" He yelled one more time. "Your the worst!" I yelled back.

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