Chapter 40

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*Rosie POV*

         "So are we back?" Dylan asked me again. "I think we should give it a couple days. Just to know if its really what both of us want." "But you are what I want. I love you Rose." "Yeah and I love you too but its for the best." I kissed his cheek and walked to Cameron. He grabbed my hand and we went to sit on the chair. "We are going out to eat. To meet the new people that are coming." He said, I put my head on his chest. "Great." Just then a really cute boy walked in the hotel, I sat up. "Who's that?" I asked and stood up. "He's Hunter, he's new." I started walking towards him. "He's also fifteen." Cam added and grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "So? I'm only one year older." "You also love Dylan." I looked at him and pulled my arm away. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I said and walked to him.

         "Hi I'm Rosie Lawley." I said and put my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Hunter Rowland." He said and shook my hand. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. We just stood there shaking hands for a while, its like time stopped. Then a little kid snapped us back to reality. "Hey Hunter, we have to check in." He said, Hunter let go of my hand. "Ill see you around, give me your phone. Let's exchange numbers." He said. I gave him my phone and he gave me his. I put my name as 'Princess Rose.' When he gave me my phone, he walked back over to the boy at the lobby desk. He turned around and smiled at me. I looked at what he put for his name, 'Baby Daddy.' I laughed and then walked over to Cam and Aaron.

         "What'd you think of hot stuff over there?" Cam asked and I laughed. "He's cute and funny. He literally put his name as baby daddy in my phone." They laughed and Cam put his arm around me. "He totally likes you." Aaron said. "No he doesn't." I said. "Yeah he does." Cam and Aaron said at the same time then high fived. "You guys are idiots." I said laughing. "Whatever you say." Aaron then picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I yelled and kicked my feet. Cam started laughing and got out his phone. "I swear if you vine this or put it on Instagram I will kill you Dallas!" He just kept laughing and Aaron started running towards Hunter. "No, Aaron please. Don't embarrass me." I whispered and he laughed louder.

          Once we were close to Hunter Aaron turned around so I was facing Hunter. "Hello." I said, he started smiling. "Hi." He said awkwardly. "She thinks your hot!" Aaron yelled and I hit his head. "I'm sorry about him." I said. "It's fine." Then the other boy walked over to him. "Oh and this is my brother Brandon." He said. "Hi! I'm Rosie." He nodded. "I'm gonna go unpack." Brandon said and left. "Aaron let me down!" "Not until I hear romance!" I blushed and looked away. "I am so sorry! I swear this wasn't my idea." I said and Hunter laughed. "Your cute." He said and Aaron literally dropped me on the ground. "Ow! That hurt!" I yelled and he was already running to Cam. "Want some help getting up?" "No. I think ill stay down here a while." He smiled and sat next to me. Then Grace stopped in front of me with Daniel. "We are going out. Ill see you later." She said and grabbed Daniel's hand. "Where's Dylan when you need him?" Daniel asked and Grace laughed. "Ha ha! Very funny!" I said and they left.

            "Who's Dylan?" Hunter asked. "Um, just a friend." He nodded. "I think I'm gonna go get ready its almost time for dinner." Hunter nodded and stood up. He put out his hand to help me up and I took it. "It was nice meeting you." He said. "Yeah, it was. Wanna walk with me to the elevators?" "Sure." "So what is it that you do exactly?" I asked him as we started walking. "Me and my brother are big on YouNow." "Oh! Like Weston, Mark and Blake?" "Yeah, I'm really good friends with them." "They are supposed to be on this tour but I haven't seen them yet." "Yeah me either."


           I found Zach and gave him a big hug. Grace was talking to Taylor Caniff and Christian DelGrosso. "How's Dylan?" Zach asked me. "Um, we are kinda over. And I'm saying kinda because we still love each other." "So your single?" "Is that all you got from that?" "Yeah, I'm single." He smiled and then waved someone over. I turned around and saw Hunter walking towards us. "Rosie. This is my friend Hunter. Hunter this is Rosie, my special lady friend." Zach and I laughed. Hunter's face went red. "Zach! Stop! We both know that's not true." He just smiled, then kissed me. I smiled but then pushed him away. He laughed. "No we are just good friends." He said. "I can see that." During dinner I sat next to Grace and Blake. On the other side of Grace was Daniel and next to Blake was Mark. Across from me was Jacob, next to Jacob was Dylan and next to Dylan was Zach.

             We were all having our own conversations, I was talking to Blake. Grace tapped on my shoulder and just stared at me. Then showed me her finger. It had a beautiful ring on it. "Are you engaged? Oh my god! Can I please be the maid of honor?!" I whisper yelled. "I'm not engaged, relax. Daniel gave me a promise ring." I then screamed. Everyone looked at me and Grace's faced went red. "Daniel gave Grace a promise ring!" I yelled, everyone then started cheering. It was funny. I looked across and Jacob and he was just looking down at the food in front of him playing with it.

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