Chapter 48

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*Bella POV*

           I woke up and no one was in the room. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair quick, even though I just had my pjs on I decided I would go find Grace or Rosie. I left the room and started walking down the door. "Bella? Is that you?" I turned around and saw Jacob. He smiled and ran to me. "Where are you going?" "To find Grace. No one is in the room." He nodded. "I was thinking of dying my hair blonde. What do you think?" I made a face and he laughed. "Do what you want but I will laugh at you." "Are you excited to go back home soon?" He asked. "What! I just got here!" "Yeah, but we are only here for a weekend. Then we go back home until the next weekend." "I have to go back with my brothers. That will be fun." I rolled my eyes. "Brothers?" "Yeah, there names are Chris and Crawford." "Oh, cool. Ill miss you." Miss me? "I'm coming back probably wth Grace and Rose." "I hope you do." He smiled and ran ahead.

*Rosie POV*

          "Dylan, I'm leaving." I said and kissed him. "Bye. Come by later." I nodded and left. I started walking to my room and smiled. I saw Hunter and tried to make him not notice me, but I know that it was impossible. "Hey Rosie." He said and started walking with me. "Hey Hunter." "Wanna broadcast with me later?" "Sure, I might also with Zach, too." He nodded and we just walked in silence. Bella was coming our way and I gave her 'the eyes.' She just smiled and put up her thumbs. "I ship it!" She yelled and started walking faster. Hunter giggled and I crossed my arms. "I ship us too." He said, my eyes widened. "Hunter. No." I stopped walking and leaned against the wall. He stepped in front of me. "What?" "No. Just no." I started to walk away but he stopped me and kissed me. I didn't pull away, but I didn't kiss back either. 

*Grace POV*

            "Daniel. Are you here?" I yelled when I entered his room with the key he gave me. No one answered. I didn't want to be the only one in there so I closed the door and started walking to the elevator. "Hold the elevator!" I heard someone yell. I put my hand in front of the sensor and waited for them. It was Bella. "Hey! I've been looking for you and everyone else." She said. Then Taylor walked in. "Where is everyone?" He asked. "Thats what we've both been wondering." I said, Taylor shrugged. "Can you film a vine for me? Once we get to the lobby?" I nodded and the elevator dinged. "I'm gonna fight the elevator." He said and me and Bella laughed. "Okay. Go." I said. The elevator closed and he started yelling at it and hitting it. Bella was in the back telling him to calm down and stuff. It was funny.

*Rosie POV*

         "Hunter!" I said and pushed him. "What? We were fine just the other day. Did I do something?" He asked. "No. You did nothing wrong. I got back with Dylan." He looked down and tried to smile. "Oh, thats great." "I still want to be friends." "Now I'm being friend zoned? Really!" "Sorry." I walked away and then started running to my room. 

*Bella POV*

        "Grace. There's your man." I said and pointed to Daniel. She walked to him and they hugged. "Wanna go shopping or something?" Taylor asked me. "Sure. Let me get dressed, I'm in my pjs." He shook hiss head and picked me up. "Taylor! Stop!" "You look fine, lets just go." "I have no money." "I do. Its fine." "Fine. Put me down." He put me down and I saw Jacob staring at me. Once he saw that I caught him staring he looked away. I think he was blushing. 

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