Chapter 36

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*Grace POV*

            I woke up to Connor and my sister fighting over what to watch. I opened my eyes and checked my phone. It said Daniel Skye tagged me in a photo on Instagram, I pulled up the picture and it was during the movie. My hand was over my face and he was in mid laugh, it said 'Back with this babe.' I smiled and put my phone down. "Guys shut up!" I yelled to them. They stared at me then Rosie threw the remote at me. It hit me in the face and she started laughing while Connor ran to get it from me. "No! I don't wanna watch Pretty Little L-" Rosie started but Connor cut her off. "Don't you dare even finish that sentence." She huffed and then walked out of the door. Connor started laughing and he sat next to me. "I'm not watching it either, don't even try." I said and grabbed the remote.

*Rosie POV*

             As I was going to Dylan's room, my mom was calling. "Hey mom." I said and stopped walking. "Hey sweetie. Are you still coming home this weekend?" She asked. "Um, what?" "It's Sarah's birthday. Remember? I sent you a text, and you cant miss it. She's your best friend, its not right." "Of course I wouldn't miss it, but Grace isn't going right?" "No, not if she doesn't want to. But you flight is tomorrow. Ill text you the information and tell Kian and Grace, too. Ill pick you up and then the next day you can surprise her." "Thanks and can you bring Julia to the airport? I miss her." "Of course honey, I love you." "I love you too." I hung up and looked up to see Dylan, Hayes and Daniel?  "Daniel?" I asked and he hugged me. "I'm leaving soon so I thought we'd hang out today." He said, I nodded and Hayes and him left.

       "How's my love doing?" Dylan asked and kissed my cheek. "Have you seen Kian? I need to tell him my plans." He shook his head. "What plans?" He asked. "I'm going back home." "What? Why?" "Just for like a week or two." "Why?" "Its my friends birthday, also, I miss everyone." He nodded. "I would say you should come but you have  tour." He nodded, again. I smiled and kissed his nose. "Ill miss you." He said. "Its only a week." "I know, but still." He was leaning in to kiss me and I was leaning in too, until my phone went off.

Zachy- Hey! Im in your room and me and Grace are bout to go live. Wanna join?

Rosie- Sure, coming now.

       "I have to go broadcast with Zach. Ill see you later." I said and kissed his cheek, as I started walking away he said something else that made me stop walking. "When is he going to stop being the reason you and I can't kiss, its been going on before we even started dating." He mumbled. "Really Dylan?" I rolled my eyes and he just stared at me. "Its true." "Come find me when you wanna talk for real please." I said and ran to my room. 

*Grace POV*

            "I saw Daniel in the hall." Zach said and I blushed. "Want me to call him in here?" he asked and I looked away. "Ill take that as I yes." I looked at him and he already had the phone to his ear. "Hey dude! Come broadcast with me, and Grace." Zach said and I heard Daniel talk. "Room 435, I think." Zach looked at me and I nodded, Zach hung up and opened the YouNow app on his iPad. "Can you tweet from my phone saying Im live?" He asked handing me his phone and I nodded. I tweeted, 'Hey babes, I'm live! Come watch! Im with the bestest person in the whole history of the solar system, Grace Lawley and her sister who is not the bestest person is coming too...'  I gave him back his phone and he laughed. YouNow opened and he pressed the live button, he is now 1st in guys and has 6k watching. 

          There was a knock and I opened the door to Rosie and Daniel. "Is he live?" Rosie screamed and I nodded. She ran and jumped on Zach, and he screamed. "Hey Daniel." I said and he hugged me. I pulled away and kissed him, he kissed back. We smiled and walked over to Zach and Rosie, who were reading mean comments and laughing. "Go suck a toe!" Zach said in his kid voice, Daniel laughed and showed his face in the screen. Then there was another knock and Zach looked at the door and so did Rosie. "Are you expecting anyone?" I asked and everyone shook their head. Then they were knocking again and I could hear someone talking. "Please Rosie, open up! I love you and Im sorry!" It was Dylan, Rosie rolled her eyes and just looked down. 

         "Someone needs to get it." Daniel said. "No. Rosie needs to get it." I said and she nodded. Rosie got up and opened the door and he kissed her, she didn't pull away so Im guessing she kissed back. Zach has the camera turned around so that the viewers could see, they were mostly commenting hearts and 'Aww.' Then Daniel turned to me and put his hand on my chin. "Well, if there doing it." I nodded and he kissed me.


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