Chapter 43

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*Grace POV*

          I walked down the stairs to the lobby and heard the boys teasing Daniel. Someone ran into me. "Watch it." I snapped. "Sorry." Hunter said, putting his hands up in defense. "Oh, sorry Hunter. I didn't know it was you. I'm not in the best mood right now." "Its fine. Where did you even go?" "To talk to Jacob." "Oh, that must have been fun." "Tell me about it." "Why are you down here?" He asked, I pointed to the boys. "Daniel." He nodded. "How bout you?" I asked. He looked at Rosie, who was on Cameron's back. "Rosie." I nodded and he lightly smiled. "So, what are you guys?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "Are you dating? What's going on?" "I just met her. Its not like I love her, I think we both kind of like each other. How long have you and Daniel been together?" "Not that long. Like a week, three counting before we broke up." "What?! My OTP broke up!" I laughed and crossed my arms, leaning against the wall.

          "We broke up a while ago. He cheated, that's why he gave me the ring." Hunter nodded. "You wont break up again, right?" "No, I hope not." "Good." We looked at the boys and Rosie, they were playing ninja. All of them were laughing, I started smiling when I saw Daniel get hit in the face by Rosie. Everyone was laughing but her and Daniel. She was yelling, asking if he was ok. He was nodding and she was really close to him, inspecting his face. I started to laugh, and so did Hunter. "Wanna go join?" Hunter asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah. Let's go!" I said and ran to them, Hunter close behind. "Daniel are you sure your ok?" Rosie asked. Daniel laughed and nodded. "Grace! I'm so sorry, I hit the love of your life in the face!" She said and turned Daniel to look at me.

          "We'll anyway your out!" Cameron yelled and pushed Daniel out of the circle. They continued the game, Dylan then came out of the elevator. "I'm going up to bed." Daniel said and kissed my head. "Alright, Ill see you tomorrow." "Love you." "Love you too." He walked away and did a bro hug with Dylan on the way. Only Rosie and Cameron were left in the game. "Hey." Dylan said and stood next to me. "Hey!" "So that's Hunter?" He asked, glaring at him. He was smiling at Rosie while Cameron was trying to hit her. "Yep, he's really nice. Don't do anything you'll regret later." "Whatever. What are they doing?" He asked pointing to Rosie and Cameron laughing. "Playing ninja. Everyone else got out." "Oh. Why is he looking at her like that?" He was getting annoyed. "He likes her. Get over it. She doesn't like him." "But she does. They kissed and I don't even know if we are ever going to get back together."

           "Cameron stop!" Rosie yelled, through laughs. I looked over and Cameron was putting her over his shoulder. "Go kiss your boyfriend!" Cam said, Dylan tensed up. He walked Rosie over to Hunter and they were both laughing. I saw Rosie make contact with Dylan and she was struggling to get down. She got down finally and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the elevators. "I need to tell you something." She said once we got to our room. "What?" "I love Dylan." "No duh." "I like Hunter." "Oh. Dylan was right." "Oh crap, he must be pissed." "He is." She then explained the conversation her and Dylan had earlier this night. "But he asked me on a date and I said yes!" She said, tearing up. "Even though Dylan asked you to stay away from him? Really?!" "He just told me not to kiss him." "Going on a date is worse." She looked down.

         "Where did you go earlier anyway?" She asked, I explained to her the conversation me and Jacob had. "He was good though. I don't understand." She said. "You don't understand Rosie. You weren't close to him. He ditched all of us for a better thing. He forgot where he belongs, he un followed his best friends." "Daniel left too." "But Daniel isn't Hollywood. Just go fix your boy problem." She nodded and walked to the bathroom.

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