Chapter 41

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*Rosie POV*

              After dinner all of the boys, including Grace, went on a walk. The only people that wanted to not walk was me, Zach, Brandon, Hunter and Jacob. As we were walking to the hotel, no one was actually talking. I felt Zach's hand grab mine, I looked at him and he smiled. I lightly smiled back and let him take my hand in his. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm excited for out first show." I said, trying to make conversation. Everyone just nodded and kept walking. "There's the hotel." Brandon said and ran ahead. Zach then let go of my hand and ran with Brandon. "I now wish I was with the others." I said. "I don't." Jacob said, he started walking faster until he got to the hotel. "Wanna keep walking?" Hunter asked me, putting out his hand for me to take.

            I nodded and took his hand. "So you and Zach are pretty good friends, that was awkward when he kissed you." Hunter said and I laughed. "I know. But its Zach. Seriously what do you expect from him." "True, true." We both started laughing. "Have you been on the other boys broadcasts?" He asked. "Yeah, it was fun." "You should come on mine once." "Okay." I looked over and saw a small little park with a swing set and a couple slides. "Im gonna go on that park." I said and ran to the slide. He followed me and went to the bottom of the slide. "I'm coming down." I said and he nodded. I slide down and he stopped me, I accidentally kicked him and he fell. I laughed and he just laid there laughing, too. He pulled me next to him and then we just laid there, in comfortable silence. 

             I looked over at Hunter to see he was already looking at me. I smiled and then he did, too, we were both blushing. "Your cute." I said. "So are you." I started blushing a lot now. He rolled over to his side and so did I. Then he kissed me, I kissed back. Then I saw Dylan flash in my head. I know we aren't dating but we should be. I pulled away and he laid back on his back. I stood up and brushed off my dress that now had dirt all over it. "Let's get back." I said and helped him up. He took my hand again and I did nothing about it. 

*Grace POV*

              As we were walking the only thing that was running through my mind was that I need to talk to Jacob. I finally decided I should actually do it and excused myself. "Where are you going?" Daniel asked me. "Just back to the hotel. I have something I need to do." "Well, I'll come with you. You shouldn't be walking alone. Its pretty dark." He said and looked up to the sky. "No. Its ok, I can protect myself." I smiled and walked away, leaving him there. Once I got to the hotel I could see Rosie and Hunter walking towards the hotel, too, holding hands. I opened the door and ran to the elevators. Shit! I don't know his room number! "Rosie!" I yelled as she walked in. I ran to her and she just stared at me. "Can you call Cameron? I need Jacob's room number." I asked and she nodded. "But why?" She asked, Hunter just stood there. "I need to talk to him." She nodded and took out her phone. "Hey Cam, your sharing a room with Jacob and Aaron right?" She said. I could hear voices talking back and she was nodding. "Okay. Thanks." Then he spoke again. "Yeah, yeah. Love you too." She laughed and hung up. "His room is 453, floor 5 or 6. I don't remember." She said and I rolled my eyes. "You just talked to him!" I yelled. "Sorry, you know I have short term memory loss." I laughed and ran back to the elevators.

          I went to floor five and found 453. I knocked and no one came for a really long time. Then finally the door knob started moving. "Hello? Who is it?" An old, cranky, man said. Shit Wrong floor! Damn it Rosie! I just ran, I ran to the elevators and pressed floor six. I found the room and just stood there, I took a deep breath and knocked. In a matter of seconds, Jacob answered. "Hey Jacob." I said, he lightly smiled. "How are things?" I asked and he shrugged. "How about you?" He asked and I shrugged too. He looked down at my hand and I moved it behind me. "Why are you here?" He asked, obviously annoyed. "You looked upset at dinner." I was still standing outside of his room, he didn't invite me in. "It's not your job to fix it." "Sorry, I just thought I could help." "Well, you can't. There's nothing you can do." He was going to close the door but I put my foot from stoping it.

          The door squished my foot and I had bite my lip to keep me from screaming in pain. Ow! Jacob just looked at me. "Are you ok? Why would you do that?" He asked. "Is it about me and Daniel?" He looked down and let me in, finally. I sat on a bed and he walked in front of me. "Jacob? Is it?" I asked, he slowly nodded. "I still like you." "Oh. But I'm sorry. I'm with Daniel now, you left remember?" "Really?! We are bringing that up again?!" "Jacob! You've changed." I stood up. "Blake, Weston and Mark told me you un followed them! I saw those dms with that supporter! You forgot about us! Just that short time you were gone! You forgot where you belong! Your Hollywood." He just looked at me, his face red.

           "I never forgot about you guys. And those dms are fake! Someone photoshopped them! I know you know that." He said. "None of us have your number because you changed it and didn't tell any of us. We had to find out by calling it and saying it was inactive." "Im sorry." "No." I walked out. I looked back at the door and let one tear escape but quickly wiped it away.

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