Chapter 52

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*Rosie POV*

         "Allie! I have to film a PO box opening video. Wanna join me?" Dylan asked his sister while we were watching tv. She nodded and they ran upstairs. I looked outside at his mom and Sophie Rose on their porch swing. I started smiling and went upstairs to where Dylan and Allie where. I heard screaming and walked in. "We are warming up for the video, wanna join us?" Dylan asked. "No, its ok." He nodded and I sat behind the camera. They started and he said his usual intro. He got his usual dill pickle chips and threw them at me. The next package was silly string and first he got it in Allie's ear then tried to hit me, but missed. He pulled me into the shot and kissed my cheek. Then pushed me away. "Just so you guys know, that was my girlfriend. We are a thing again." He said and laughed. 

*Grace POV*

          "Grace?" Daniel said when he entered my room. "Yeah?" "Im going out for ice cream with Ariel to catch up. Wanna go with me?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door. "Roberts going with us, he's the driver." I nodded again and we waited for Robert to get into the car. "Ready kiddos?" He asked and started the car. We were going to pick up Ariel now. Ive seen her on and pictures on Daniels Instagram. "Does she know me? Or that I'm coming?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she knows you. I mean if she's been on my Instagram then yeah, she knows you and no she doesn't know your coming." We pulled into a long driveway and Daniel ran out. Robert and I stayed in the car as he hugged, who i think was Ariel. She came into the car and sat next to me. "Hi you must be Grace!" She said and gave me a side hug. "Yeah, your Ariel right?" She nodded and started talking to Daniel about tour.       

*Bella POV*

           "Crawford! Get me some Doritos! Now!" I yelled. "Im about to film!" He yelled back. "Fucker." I said under my breath. I walked down stairs and grabbed a bag then brought it upstairs. "Can you help me?" He asked and pulled me in the room with him. "What are you filming?" "An ask Crawford." I nodded and opened up the chips. We started to hear a really loud scream and someone yelling 'Chicken Nuggets.' "What is that?" Crawf asked. "My phone." I said and laughed. "Who is it?" "Well since that was Blake yelling, Im guessing he set that as his ringtone." Crawf nodded and I went to get my phone. Blake was FaceTiming me. "Hey." He said once i picked up. "Hey, whats up?" "Im live and my viewers wanted me to call you. Say hi!" He turned the camera so his viewers could see me and I could see them too. Then we started talking.

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