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"After Uncle Jack called Aunt Rosie everyday of his tour and we all decided to meet up when they came to our town. Jack and Jack weren't the only ones there though. He brought Uncle Shawn and your dad. Your aunt had her fangirl moments, so did I though, I admit it. The whole time i walked with your dad. He was really funny and nice. And cute. We went to lunch and then back to my house. I checked my phone and there was nothing from Daniel. He didn't call me for about three weeks now. I don't think either of us wanted to give up on each other yet though. I really loved him and I know he really loved me too. Even after we broke up I still loved him, I thought we'd end up together, thats what I told everyone at least. But, that was until I got closer to your dad. One night Uncle Jack called Aunt Rosie and they asked to stay for two weeks, and bring your dad. That week I kissed him, while I was still dating Daniel. That's when I decided, I needed to give up on us. Something I thought would never happen. I still remember exactly what he said to me. 'Grace, I know you and Daniel are still dating and shit but I actually like you and will talk to you every night. Not leave you hanging without a goodnight text even.' That's when i started dating that weirdo. Then after about four years and he got approval from Uncle Ki and grandma. He proposed. I obviously said yes and we didn't get married for two years after that. By then I was about twenty-two and dad was twenty-four. We decided it was a good age and finally got married. Then we had you three crazy kids. That's how I became Mrs. Espinosa. And your mother." I said to my kids in front of me, who begged for the story of how I met their father. They all attacked me in a hug and gave me kisses.

       "Daddy? How'd you meet mommy?" My daughter Sophia asked me

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"Daddy? How'd you meet mommy?" My daughter Sophia asked me. I sat her down on her bed, since it was her bed time. I looked at my beautiful wife asleep on the rocking chair. "Actually I met her on a tour. It was quite amazing actually. We have been together since we were about sixteen, did you know that?" She shook her head. "Yeah, we have. It's been amazing. She actually didn't seem too interested in me in the beginning. I thought she liked this other guy, actually Uncle Blake. But then she admitted that she had the same feelings for me too. It was actually one of the best days id had in a while. She still makes me smile every time I see her, thats how you know you love someone Sophie." She nodded. "I know your Aunt Rose was always trying to get us together. It was kind of her thing." I started laughing, remembering all of the memories. "Once we finally got together she was our biggest supporter. Mostly people thought we wouldn't last. And don't tell your mother but I didn't think we were gonna make it to this point either. But, I'm so glad we did. Aunt caroline, and your Uncle's Chris and Crawford were not supportive of us especially your Uncle's." "Why?" She asked me. "Because, I don't know actually. I think they didn't want to see their little sister grow up so fast. Your mother is practically my reason for living, I never actually had one of those till I met her." Sophie laughed and I could tell she was getting tired. "Tell the end!" She yelled. "Okay, so I proposed to her. we had a beautiful wedding. Then we had you." She smiled and then she closed her eyes. I looked at my wife and picked her up bridal style. "I love you Bella." I said and kissed her head.

        "So please, enlighten me on how this happened

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"So please, enlighten me on how this happened." Kian said and Jc nodded. They pointed to me and my fiancee. "Um, you wanna tell them?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yeah because I thought you and Zach were gonna end up together." Jc said and we all laughed. "Well anyway. We just got a lot closer, you know? Like after me and Zach broke up after three years it was hard to get back out there. But he helped me, a lot. I would call him very night and every day with every problem." I said. "Yeah really, every time she'd call I'd be like 'oh god, what new problem does Rosie and Zach have now.'" He said and I hit his arm. "After a while of talking and hanging out people started shipping us on twitter and stuff. So, we decided to post a picture of us kissing and see how they reacted. I got a little hate but so did Jack." he nodded and put his arm around me. "Mostly we got positiver stuff and that made me happy that people liked us together." Jack added. "Then we decided to start dating, because we liked each other so much. I mean we already kind of dated it just ended badly. Now, I'm marrying him and I freakin love him to death." I kissed him. "And I freakin love her too!" He said and kissed me again. "Wow, what a good relationship we have here!" Jc yelled. "Relationship goals!" Kind yelled. "But tell me, am I gonna be another uncle soon?" Kian asked. "You can't be another uncle. You already have nieces and nephews from Grace." Jack laughed, Kian looked serious. "I'm actually pregnant with twins." I said and me and Jack smiled.


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